Largely Untitled Front Cover


Largely Untitled

Sebaschan Yottie


理屈じゃねーんだ 屁理屈でもねーんだ ただただ走りたい ただそれだけ

理屈じゃねーんだ 屁理屈でもねーんだ ただただ風になりたい ただそれだけ

何が正しい 何が間違い この町照らす 街灯の光 導くロード パーキングの光 きらめく心 うねる道路

路頭(ろとう)に迷う ようなやり取り 酒に酔う 女に酔う 自分に酔う 夜な夜な

意気揚々 人間の人生と時間の 方程式 公式作る 自分次第 次第に 仕上げる 特別な1ダイ スリーセブン狙う 開ける スロットル

脳内麻薬 ドーパミン ハヤク スバヤク とんでもなく 強烈

一列に並んで 行進する 人生に トドメサス 一撃 檄を飛ばせ ブッ飛ばせ 闇夜の 憂鬱

罪深き 真面目な面した連中の 足の引っ張り合い つっぱり横綱! 吐き捨てる よこしまなマスコミのガセ情報 葬る 方法は

心の奥底に眠る 信念という名の 伝家の宝刀 で さばく 殺到する 葛藤 雑踏

スパッと 切る 最高の切れ味 光る 名刀 応答 心の叫び すぐに 返答 口答では 伝わらない

メッセージ 高等なテクニック使い 回答 問答無用 気分高揚 色付く心 季節 紅葉

理屈じゃねーんだ 屁理屈でもねーんだ ただただ走りたい ただそれだけ

理屈じゃねーんだ 屁理屈でもねーんだ ただただ風になりたい ただそれだけ

頬を赤く染める 方法 段取り 言葉の魔法使い 鼓膜を振動 動脈の流れ加速する心拍数 数ミリ単位で動く指先

さわさわ ペン先でなぞるかのような 精彩 ザワザワ 毛細血管から 緊急指令 立つ 鳥肌 深爪 鮫肌 男

ことごとく 同じような言葉 同じような悩み 同じような欲望 同じような痛み 常の如く 噛み砕く わかりやすく

これが人生なのでしょう 次の回答 カンニング 怪盗二十面相 盗み見る 人の真似っ子 根こそぎ そぎ落とし

年甲斐もなく オリジナリティーあふれた 返答で 話のオチを見つけ御納得 頂く 納豆のように粘り強く

何度も何度も 話し合う 話は 動物の中での人間の特色 生かす骨伝導 活きた 活気に満ちた 話のおとしどころ こそ 見所

自らを灯火とし 自らをよりどころとせよ

自らを灯火とし 自らをよりどころとせよ

自らを灯明とし 法を灯明とせよ

自灯明 法灯明 暗い夜道 照らす HID

自灯明 法灯明 暗い夜道 照らす HID

自灯明 法灯明 暗い夜道 照らす HID

  • Lyricist

    Sebaschan Yottie

  • Composer

    Sebaschan Yottie

Largely Untitled Front Cover

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    Largely Untitled

    Sebaschan Yottie

I don't want to reason, I don't want to quibble, I just want to run, that's all. I want to be the wind, I want to feel it, I want to pursue the joy of running...

To cars and motorbikes, cycling and running, and to lovers of music, animals and nature, the moment of running through with the roar of engines and hearts, the sensation of cutting through the wind, all of it moves the heart. The speed that turns your cheeks red, the sound of the engine that shakes your eardrums - it's passion itself.

Music is also an important part of what gets the blood boiling. Beats that raise your heart rate, melodies that play at your fingertips, setting everything free and spreading the wings of creativity.

Not getting caught up in the minutiae of life, just following the path you believe in. Such is the way of life. I would like to connect with friends who feel the same way, feel the wind and love music. Best regards.

Artist Profile

  • Sebaschan Yottie

    When you don't take that step, that's the real step 1.steering wheel names SEBASCHAN YOTTIE * (derived from nickname) 2.Academic background Bachelor of Laws, Law Faculty, Bachelor of Laws 3. place of birth Tokyo, Japan 4. Hobbies Car, motorbike, writing. * (He is also an expert in private import/export and foreign exchange.) 5.Qualifications FIA Class A domestic license Fuji Speedway circuit license Tsukuba 2000 circuit license Large vehicle Class 2 license *(Passenger transport such as buses is allowed.) Towing vehicle license Large special motor vehicle license Large motorcycle license Level 2 of the Car Meister Certificate, Japan Meister Certificate Association Firearms license *(for clay pigeon shooting competitions) License to receive explosives for hunting rifles and guns First-class gun hunting license *(No hunting history, etc.) First class special license for small vessels *(Gross tonnage less than 20 tons, length less than 24 m, unlimited sea area for passenger vessels) English proficiency test level 4 SUZUKI METHOD violin intermediate level Food hygiene supervisor Class A fire prevention manager Patent Holder * (inventor - I hold two patents relating to shelves and desks, if you wish to produce and sell products using these, please feel free to contact me). 6. background, employment history, etc... Tokyo Street News (Gakken) Teens Road (Million Publishing) Hot Dog Press (Kodansha) Pretty Club (Core Magazine) Weekly Shonen Magazine (Kodansha) Shiseido Aleph advertisement Tokyo Walker (Kadokawa Shoten) Shiseido Aleph advertisement CAWAII Kawaii (Shufu no Tomo) Boys Rush Boys Rush (Shufu no Tomo) BrushZERO Brush Zero (Schola) MENSWALKER Men's Walker (Kadokawa Shoten) WAGONIST Wagonist (Jikosha) WANIMAZINE MOOK SERIES J-AMBLE motorbike wear catalog A'POWER American Power (KK Magazine Box) Mr Bike (Motor Magazine Inc.) True Story Mad Max (Core Magazine) Oh! Toro Toro de Ikou! (Fuji Television). TAP DANCE HIDEBOH'S SPIRIT PFF Award Planning Prize (TBS Award) Audience Award winning film M.P.W. Young Magazine Racer Audition Winner JAF Japan Automobile Federation Class A License 3rd place bronze medal in class Fullcast (temporary staffing business) Proud of driver dispatch TFD Corporation (real estate business) Hikari Tsushin Newton Financial Consulting (insurance industry) 7.on the music and lyrics... The WAV data of the only five tracks I had written and made in the past in the heat of the moment were left on my PC, and I decided to distribute them in the hope that someone would be interested in listening to them. If I may be so bold, I would be happy if you could use them as a soundtrack for your driving, touring, cycling, running or any other kind of video contribution. The next release schedule is completely undecided, as the sound source has broken down and I can't produce any sound (I can't make it), but I would like to try track production again if the opportunity arises. Please feel free to contact me. If you add a message saying "I came from here", I'm very happy to have distributed it to you. I would like to thank you in advance for your kind attention.

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SS Garage Records
