


Tomoya Kato

What you hope for in your life?

What are you pursuing?

What are you

Trying to accomplish?

Don't tell me

You’ve never thought about it

Shining happiness delights you

Showering sadness hurt you

Darkening clouds cause anxiety

We all taste uncertainty


Overdosed energy drink

すがるように求めたのは Chilln

But now

Doesn't even taste good anymore

Spit it out

Like a cheap chewing gum


These days

No longer needed gossip

Nether breaking news

イマ欲しいのは Universal truth

飲み干そう Philosophy or History

It's boring to just wear a tie

All the time we pretend smart

That's not who we really are

Looks like old and beat up clown


飲み込まれる I

Unlock 秘めた本当の自分

解く鎖 創造性は Boom

What you hope for in your life?

What are you pursuing?

What are you

Trying to accomplish?

Don't tell me

You’ve never thought about it

Shining happiness delights you

Showering sadness hurt you

Darkening clouds cause anxiety

We all taste uncertainty

We all struggle with ourselves

Loneliness is crushing me


You feel the same?

気が付けばモラルは Melting

押し寄せる Wave of Mounting

なにも生み出さない Critic

What's next What's next

What's next…

What you hope for in your life?

What are you pursuing?

What are you

Trying to accomplish?

Don't tell me

You’ve never thought about it

Shining happiness delights you

Showering sadness hurt you

Darkening clouds cause anxiety

We all taste uncertainty

The world is not a paradise

Maybe not what I had imagined

Don't forget the Love and Grace

There is light and hope

All around

  • 作詞

    Tomoya Kato

  • 作曲

    Tomoya Kato

  • プロデューサー



Tomoya Kato の“Jester”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

  • ⚫︎


    Tomoya Kato





  • Tomoya Kato

    Tomoya Kato はバイリンガル(日本語/英語)のソロダンス&ボーカルアーティスト。 数多く著名アーティストのバックダンサーを務めキャリアを築きながら、表現者としての情熱を追求すべくアーティスト活動を始動。 これまでの経験を活かし、振り付けから作詞・作曲・演出などクリエイティブを自ら手掛ける。 テレビ番組出演や書籍出版などマルチにエンタメ活動を行う傍ら、世界的IT企業でマーケティングに従事するなど異色の経歴を持つ。


    Tomoya Katoの他のリリース