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Introducing the five-member girl group, 24emotions, affectionately known as "Ni-Yon"!

With the catchphrase -Shaping the future of music through their five unique emotions.- they made their debut in March 2023. Ditching traditional idol attire, they boldly switched to performances and songs that emphasize a unique worldview.

Their second music video, 'Fabulous,' has exceeded 200,000 views on YouTube, and their third, 'Miracle Mirror,' has surpassed half a million. They are attracting attention not only in Japan but also in various Asian countries.

Despite being within a year of their debut, they have announced a live concert at KT ZEPP YOKOHAMA, a venue that holds over 2000 people, on January 26, 2024.

Their ambition is to become an unrivaled representative of Asian girl groups in Japan. Despite setting the bar high for themselves and tackling the road less traveled, they are moving forward at top speed. Keep your eyes on these talented ladies and their future accomplishments!

Artist Profile

  • 24emotions

    ダンス&ボーカルアイドルグループ、24emotions(トゥエンティーフォーエモーションズ)通称「にーよん」。 2023年3月にデビュー。EDMサウンドとキャッチーなメロディー、そしてエモーショナルで激しいダンスを特徴とするガールズグループ。 国内に留まらず各国で注目を集め、1stアルバム「Time 2 Shine 4 Us」は、カナダのiTunesStoreでJPOP部門1位獲得。YouTubeでも国外の視聴も多く獲得し、3rd MV'Miracle Mirror'は60万回を超え、4th MV’mia mia’は100万回超えを達成した。 2024年8月26日には池袋harevutaiにて2ndワンマンライブ「24/7 the LIVE」を行い、さらに進化した24emotionsを披露、その熱量をそのままアルバムにした2ndアルバム「24/7」を11月24日に発売。 彼女たちの野望は、日本のガールズグループとして唯一無二の存在になること。

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