It's like you're so far away
Left me in desolation
But you're the only one who I'm still longing for
Don't keep me in suspense
Selfish expectations
Always hold me down in torment
What you and me used to possess
Intently gathering things which you can't fucking deal with
I see you drown in the undertow
What the fuck do you desire?
You're spacing out, come back to earth
Just don't go without me
Let me save you now, I won't let you down
Let me save
You put me off breathing
What am I supposed to do?
I'm overthinking again?
No modern inventions let us get close, your heart is never moved
I'm a fallen leaf living desolately in the shade of you
I'll be your nourishment; I decay so you'll grow
But your heart will not be moved
A gust of lukewarm wind is hitting me
Seeing a drop falling down
Now I know we were not meant to be
(We were not meant to be)
The Sun goes down in the west
The night will fall on me
And I fade again
It's like you're, it's like you're so far away
It's like you're so far away
I'll be your nourishment; I decay so you'll grow
But your heart will not be moved
It's like you're so far away
And your heart is never moved
It's like you're so fay away
It's like you're so far away
- 作詞
Ruka Machida
- 作曲
Shuya Umeda
Winter Wakes の“Far Away”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- 1
Nothing Left
Winter Wakes
- 2
Winter Wakes
- ⚫︎
Far Away
Winter Wakes
E - 4
Winter Wakes
Winter Wakes
2019年より東京を中心に活動。 2020年12月、Winter Wakesと名前を改名。(ex. Area/45) それに伴い、1st EP "Linger"のリリース、新宿Antiknockにてリリースイベントを主催しソールドアウト。 2021年、東京メタルコアバンドGraupelのジャパンツアーに3公演帯同。2022年2月、1st Single "Breathe"をリリース。3月には東名阪ツアーを行う。 2022年12月メインコンポーザー脱退。 2023年4月、Emo,Pop Punk,Alternativeを軸に方向性を変えて再始動。5月4人体制初となる2nd EP"Wide Awake"をリリース。 IG @winterwakes
Winter Wakesの他のリリース