It has never changed since we learned to breath
Terribly we don't know what surrounds us
Yes, we've been blindfolded
We've always been blindfolded
Been blindfolded for so long
I don't know, I don't even know anything at all
Are we wandering around for their simulation?
Is ignorance bliss?
Yeah, we should think twice so we can stay who we are
All truths would die If we just stop thinking constantly
Is ignorance bliss?
Have you ever think before like was even our love made artificially?
They hope us to stay unaware of anything they hid
And lie through their teeth every day
Their white lies turn into blindfolds
Every single day
I'm so sure
Oh, can't you see thier white lies turn into blindfolds?
How could we keep, how could we keep them from fucking up our fragile society?
Now we're falling down
In the blink of an eye
From where we thought we were
Cause we can't see the light
Before it's too late, you better show'em what you're made of
Show'em what you're made of
It has never changed since we learned to breath
Now we're falling down
In the blink of an eye
From where we thought we were
Cause we can't see the light
Before it's too late, you better show'em what you're made of
Show'em what you're made of
So just refuse to live our lives meaninglessly knowing they're temporary
Ignorance is no longer bliss for us
- 作詞
Ruka Machida
- 作曲
Shuya Umeda
Winter Wakes の“Blindfolded”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- 1
Nothing Left
Winter Wakes
- 2
Winter Wakes
- 3
Far Away
Winter Wakes
- ⚫︎
Winter Wakes
Winter Wakes
2019年より東京を中心に活動。 2020年12月、Winter Wakesと名前を改名。(ex. Area/45) それに伴い、1st EP "Linger"のリリース、新宿Antiknockにてリリースイベントを主催しソールドアウト。 2021年、東京メタルコアバンドGraupelのジャパンツアーに3公演帯同。2022年2月、1st Single "Breathe"をリリース。3月には東名阪ツアーを行う。 2022年12月メインコンポーザー脱退。 2023年4月、Emo,Pop Punk,Alternativeを軸に方向性を変えて再始動。5月4人体制初となる2nd EP"Wide Awake"をリリース。 IG @winterwakes
Winter Wakesの他のリリース