Psycho Shocker 2300 Front Cover


Psycho Shocker 2300


瞼の裏 鼻腔 眉間の反対側の方

うかぶ あの時




あの路地裏 の向こう 試験場のちょっと先

引き止めた あの時


思い出したくないことが たまにふと浮かぶのは


過去は記憶の中で 形や場所を変えて

今の記憶はたぶん 半分パラレルワールド

  • Lyricist

    Radio Name Ammonia Night

  • Composer


Psycho Shocker 2300 Front Cover

Listen to Psycho Shocker 2300 by TYC

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    Psycho Shocker 2300


This is the second single from TYC, a Japanese "City Pop" band from Toyocho in Koto Ward, a vibrant urban city in the Tokyo bay area. This song depicts a person who has left Koto Ward immersing himself in his past memories. The impressive intro, which starts with a guitar duet, sets a nostalgic mood. The song has already gained popularity during their live performances, and this time, they have just released the long-awaited digital single.

Artist Profile

  • TYC

    TYC is a Japanese "City Pop" band from Toyocho in Koto Ward, a vibrant urban city in the Tokyo bay area. The band was formed in 2018 by two local musicians and their session crew. They released the debut album "Toyocho Suite" in April 2021. They are transmitting "Koto City Pop" which is inspired by the scenes cut out from the city.

    Artist page


Delta Records
