defuse the bomb Front Cover


defuse the bomb

Queen's Angel

夕暮れが灯す都市の喧騒 渋滞のハイウェイ飛ばしていた 無線から聴こえる不穏な会話 事件の深刻さ物語ってた(爆弾が強奪され、犯人は逃走中)

匿名を名乗る女性から サディスティックな犯行声明が出された 都心ビルに爆弾設置したと 不気味な声で嘲笑ってた(選べよ、dead or alive! 逃げろよ、if you wanna live!)

衝撃のニュースが世界を駆け巡る 恐ろしい犯罪(クライム)に震える国民(ネーションズ)

ダイナマイトに時限タイマーの仕掛け(メカニズム)が設置されている 爆破予告までの猶予が示された時計が針刻む 悲劇に続く導火線(ヒューズ)が死へのカウントダウン始めるよ

Uh タイムリミットを知らせる夜明けの鎮魂歌(レクイエム)死者に捧げぬように(don't stop running) 迷わずネオン街走るんだ 狙われたターゲットを探して defuse the bomb

( ダメ、まだ見つからない。。どうすればいい? ねぇ... )

世間が騒めくパニックの中 アスファルト軋む上に佇んで ふと火薬の臭いが漂う 怪しいビルに疑いの視線を向けた

難航する捜査の突破口を開くように 危険な現場に急行した爆発物処理班(E・O・D)

起爆装置のリレー回路がスイッチで制御されている 複雑に設計されたダミー配線の罠(トラップ)に戸惑う ほんの僅かミスすれば木っ端微塵に吹っ飛ぶよ!!

Uh ロザリオのように煌めく真夜中の星屑に祈りが届くように(cross your fingers) 躊躇わず配線(コード)断ち切るんだ たとえ犠牲になっても 絶対に defuse the bomb(fu、爆弾を解除しました)

ゾッとする凶悪な事件がまた今日も善良な市民を脅かすよ(フッフッ、次の爆弾も解除できるかしら・・・) stop crime, defuse bomb again

Uh タイムリミットを知らせる灼熱の太陽が夜明けを灯す前に(stop the explosion) 最悪なこの事件に蹴りつけるんだ 爆弾魔の両腕に手錠かけて逮捕(arrest)

But 残酷な世界に終わりはないんだ 運命の輪舞(ロンド)のように廻り続けてく

  • Lyricist

    Yasuyuki Kobayashi

  • Composer

    Yasuyuki Kobayashi

defuse the bomb Front Cover

Listen to defuse the bomb by Queen's Angel

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    defuse the bomb

    Queen's Angel


June 27th, 6:48 PM, Tokyo.

A 24-year-old rookie female detective of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Explosive Ordnance Division (E.O.D.) races towards the designated location, following urgent orders from headquarters.

The radio crackles with repeated alerts: 40,000 pounds (18 tons) of dynamite have been stolen from multiple ammunition depots established by the Ministry of Defense to bolster Japan's defensive capabilities. The perpetrators are at large.

40,000 pounds of dynamite... a destructive force far surpassing the "Mother of All Bombs" (officially known as the Massive Ordnance Air Blast or MOAB) deployed by the U.S. Air Force in Afghanistan in 2017.

Amidst the chaos of an impending large-scale bomb threat, an unidentified call interrupts the police video conference: "I've planted a bomb in a downtown skyscraper. It will detonate at 4 AM, about 8 hours from now. Run if you don't want to die. Heheheh..." click
The timer attached to the massive amount of dynamite displays "07:53".

That familiar female voice... It's the internationally wanted terrorist known as "Tsaritsa Bomb" (Queen of Bombs), who shocked the world with a series of bombing attacks two years ago!

It was during that incident that the young detective's senior colleague from her student days, then working with Interpol, lost his life. This tragedy drove her to join the E.O.D.

Now, the same bomb-obsessed criminal is planning another attack, this time on Japanese soil, ready to claim more innocent lives.

With only 8 hours left on the clock, a high-stakes battle of wits is about to unfold between the young female detective, determined to defuse the bomb at all costs, and the ruthless, deranged bomber, equally resolved to see her diabolical plan through to its explosive conclusion...

Artist Profile

Queen's Angel
