Black River, Far Eastのジャケット写真


27 o’clock

池貝 峻

I’ll be here waiting for a change

Until the night is perfectly tamed

I can hear a scream over the fence

I only wished I could do same

You said

It’s too much to take

Don’t you wanna say

“I’m out of breath”?

It’s a quiet flame

I seek a way

To feel what I used to feel

Something always fades

From inside my hands

It burns inside the shell

I seek a way

To feel what I used to feel

When my mind is racing ahead

I wished the rest of myself could stay

Well it doesn’t mean much after 12

Nothing is immune from change

Don’t you wanna say

“I’m too numb to chase”?

It’s a quiet flame

I seek a way

To feel what I used to feel

Something always fades

From inside my hands

It burns inside shell

I seek a way

To feel what I used to feel

When it is over

Does anything await?

Run faster

So I don’t have to think of it

  • 作詞

    池貝 峻

  • 作曲

    池貝 峻, Kohei Kamoto

  • レコーディングエンジニア

    Hiroshi Ikeda

  • ミキシングエンジニア

    Hiroshi Ikeda

  • マスタリングエンジニア

    Tamotsu Suwanai

  • ギター

    Kohei Kamoto

  • ドラム

    Miyoko Yamaguchi

  • シンセサイザー

    Yuma Koda

  • ボーカル

    池貝 峻

Black River, Far Eastのジャケット写真

池貝 峻 の“27 o’clock”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


