Black River, Far Eastのジャケット写真



池貝 峻

My city is lonely

You only want beauty

Where humans are just a contour

They hold each other tender

Here you can be anything

But only after dark


Is a drop of varnish

Dancers won’t stop their feet

Hold up your emotion

If you want to survive

Under the colossus of silence

Mend your mind

You won’t hear anything

When its decaying inside

I’ve been blind

So set the shrine on fire

That light will guide you further

In this noise

Learned to be an enemy

But did I hear your plea?

After dark

What did I want to save

Why am I stunned in this light?

I don’t wanna see

Stains of the blame

Cuz they are in my blood

I am still here

The city of silence

Please say something?

Just say it

Just say it

  • 作詞

    池貝 峻

  • 作曲

    池貝 峻, Kohei Kamoto

  • プロデューサー

    Ryu Kuroawa

  • レコーディングエンジニア

    Hiroshi Ikeda

  • ミキシングエンジニア

    Hiroshi Ikeda

  • マスタリングエンジニア

    Tamotsu Suwanai

  • ギター

    Kohei Kamoto

  • ドラム

    Miyoko Yamaguchi

  • シンセサイザー

    Yuma Koda

  • ボーカル

    池貝 峻

Black River, Far Eastのジャケット写真

池貝 峻 の“505”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


