Remember The Moment, Every Momentのジャケット写真


To Live


Walk on dry leaves

To hear my steps

The sound touched the ground

And rises

I tried

To liveLike someone's life

But there is no distress

That can't happen

To live like someone's life

I saw the bird

Get a goodbye kiss from the wind

Walk on dry leaves

To hear my steps

Where is going sorrow

That lost shining

I tried

To live like someone's life

But there is no distress

That can't happen

To live like someone's life

I saw the bird

Get a goodbye kiss from the wind

To leave from someone's life

But there is no distress

That can't happen

I’ll leave from someone's life

I here the voices from leaves

Say my name

From someone's life

Where is going sorrow

That lost shining

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


  • プロデューサー

    Hodie, Yoshiaki Kondoh

Remember The Moment, Every Momentのジャケット写真

Hodie の“To Live”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

Hodie 1st Album


  • Hodie

    We are Hodie. ギター・声:森口真実(もりぐち まみ) ドラムス・シンバル・声:ミカ ワタナベ 2020年結成。 一度聴くと必ず耳に残る抒情的な歌声・ギターと、 情景や色彩、時に匂いさえ想起させるようなドラムが混ざり合い、 一つのジャンルに囚われない音楽を生み出す。 チョコレートが好き。 Vive Hodie.

