Remember The Moment, Every Momentのジャケット写真




I stare for a while

Trees sway in the wind

Until sleep comes to my eyes

The man who sold the books

The corner of the town

I say hello

He is the nameless

Building line up

Shadows intaglio her feel

Downside up in town

The secret we don't know

This time

We walk time

It's like a flame

We were talk about yellow road

The flower is waiting for

Shiny day

Tonight, meteor shower sky

Remember the moment

Every moment

Close my wings

And feel the life in heart

The man who sold the books

(Who sold the books)

The corner of the town

(Weave his story about life)

I say hello

He is standing in the rain

Me and him with crossed time

We walk time

Sing in the moment with time

You walking a day

Sing in the day with time

Sing in the day

Sing in the moment and day

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


  • プロデューサー

    Hodie, Yoshiaki Kondoh

Remember The Moment, Every Momentのジャケット写真

Hodie の“Time”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

Hodie 1st Album


  • Hodie

    We are Hodie. ギター・声:森口真実(もりぐち まみ) ドラムス・シンバル・声:ミカ ワタナベ 2020年結成。 一度聴くと必ず耳に残る抒情的な歌声・ギターと、 情景や色彩、時に匂いさえ想起させるようなドラムが混ざり合い、 一つのジャンルに囚われない音楽を生み出す。 チョコレートが好き。 Vive Hodie.

