New Morning Light Front Cover


New Morning Light


明け方の光が 窓からそっと

新しい一日を今 告げる

足音軽やかに 扉を開けて

輝く未来へと 一歩踏み出そう

昨日の影を越えて 夢へと続く道

今 心の地図に 新しい色を塗ろう

今日は始まりの日 新しい朝が来た

心躍るこの瞬間(とき)を 強く生きていこう

何度でも 自分を信じて 歩き出せばいい

新しい朝の光に 導かれて Oh Oh 導かれて Ah

どんなに小さな一歩でも 確実に前へ進む

恐れずに 夢を追いかけて

新しい出会いと 別れの季節

感謝の気持ちを 胸に秘めて

挑戦の毎日が 自分を成長させる

未知なる世界へ 勇気をもって飛び込もう

目を閉じて 深呼吸 新しい空気を感じて

自分だけの物語(ストーリー) これから創り上げよう

希望を胸に 新しい道を歩こう

新しい朝の光が いつも照らしてくれる

時には つまずいても 立ち上がる力を信じて

一緒に 明日へと歩みを進めよう

全ての日の出は 新しいページを書く 機会をもたらす

始まりの魔法を信じて 未知なるものを受け入れよう

羽ばたけ 大きく翼を広げ 空高く かけ登ろう

地域は僕たちを呼び 届かぬ夢の彼方

新しい朝の光に 心開いて

夢見る力を 今 信じて

始まりの朝に 誓いを新たにして

輝く日々へと 歩き続けよう

新しい朝の光が 今日も

新しい朝の光が 今日も僕らを照らすよ

始まる 新しい一日に

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New Morning Light Front Cover

Listen to New Morning Light by Fuuchoukanon

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    New Morning Light


New Morning Light" is a much-anticipated new song by Kanon Fuuchou, a piece that breathes new hope into the beginning of each day. The song quietly accompanies the listener from the moment the soft light of dawn heralds the arrival of a new day. The lyrics encourage the courage to open the door with light footsteps and take the first step toward a shining future. The importance of going beyond the shadows of yesterday and following the path that leads to one's dreams is likened to painting a new color on the map of one's heart.

This song is more than just the beginning of days. It underscores the importance of living in the exciting moments, believing in yourself, and walking away again and again. The song sings of the value of moving forward with certainty, no matter how small the step, guided by the light of a new morning.

Through the season of new encounters and goodbyes, Fuuchou Kanon will continue to take on challenges with a sense of gratitude and move forward on her journey of personal growth. Through this song, we share the courage to create our own unique story without fear of diving into the unknown.

Light of a New Morning" conveys the importance of believing in the power of getting up, even when we stumble at times, and moving forward together into tomorrow. We believe that every sunrise opens a new page and brings the magic of beginnings.

By listening to this song, we can open our hearts and believe in the power of dreaming. It will renew your commitment to a new morning and give you the strength to keep walking into each shining day. New Morning Light" by Fuuchou Kanon is a haunting masterpiece for the beginning of a new day.

Artist Profile

  • Fuuchoukanon

    As her name suggests, Hanane Kazucho is an artist who captivates the world with her light, flowery, and delicately beautiful tone, like a butterfly dancing on the wind. The melodies she plays are deeply moving, as if they speak directly to the hearts of those who listen to them, and sometimes even bring tears to their eyes. Her music is as if she is digging up the fountain of emotions deep within and gently enveloping and healing them.

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New Morning Light
