10, 000 Miles Front Cover


10, 000 Miles


駆け抜けてみりゃ 最高な日が あったような 無いような

まだ40 Miles 先は長い 心は子供のよう

雨降りでも良いや 慣れてるし良いや 道はまだ続く

まだ40 Miles 嵐の予報 机上の空論 wow wow

“Because I Love 自分” と胸張って行こう

10,000 Miles 遙か彼方へ 見よう 知ろう 旅は道連れ

EasyModeでも辛い OneChanceなんて頼れない

後悔なんて It’s too late wow wow

到達点は未知数で 一万年も過ぎそうで

まだまだ続くね ずっとずっと見てくれ

見てくれだけじゃ 掴めないような 藪の中進んで

まだ40 Miles 諦めない そんなタイミングじゃないよ



10,000 Miles 高く高くと 時代は僕を誘う

10,000 Miles 遙か彼方へ 見よう 知ろう 旅は道連れ

EasyModeでも辛い OneChanceなんて頼れない

後悔なんて It’s too late wow wow

到達点は未知数で 一万年も過ぎそうで

まだまだ続くね ずっとずっと見てくれ

  • Lyricist

    Takeshi Kiuchi

  • Composer

    Takeshi Kiuchi

10, 000 Miles Front Cover

Listen to 10, 000 Miles by RSK

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    10, 000 Miles


RSK is active as an actor in dramas, stage plays (ex. Hypnosis Mic), movies, etc., and also as a singer, constantly releasing music and performing live. Released a newly written single to commemorate 40 years old! The song begins with an impressive sing-along melody, and is composed of the acoustic guitar and a beat reminiscent of powerful walking. This is a song that everyone who is embarking on a new stage should listen to.

Artist Profile

  • RSK

    Born in Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture. While working as an actor in dramas, stage plays (ex. Hypnosis Mic), movies, etc., he is also active as a singer ``RSK''. They constantly release songs and perform live in a wide range of genres, from dance tunes with sharp dance moves to ballads. In recent years, he has also been active in Ibaraki Prefecture, appearing on many stages at Art Tower Mito and actively holding live performances and events in Ibaraki Prefecture.

    Artist page


bamboo recordings
