さっきまでは はしゃいで過ごした 二人急に黙って
帰り道そっと小指だけつないで 駅へと向かってる
時よおまえは その冷たい足音で 二人の背中を別々の街へ
また今日も追い返すのか 誰か時計を止めて
改札をすり抜ける いつも君が先に行くね
追い越していく人の波に 立ち止まる二人 時が止まった
どうかこのまま 二人を見逃してよ
行先の違う次の列車を せめて待つ間だけ
時よおまえは その冷たい足音で
二人の背中を 別々の街へ また今日も 追い返すのか
どうかこのまま 二人を見逃してよ
行先の違う 次の列車を
せめて待つ間だけ 誰か時計を止めて
- Lyricist
- Composer

Listen to Time's Running Out by Changie
Streaming / Download
- 1
On A Hymn-filled Night
- 2
Hazy Days
- 3
Everlasting Love
- ⚫︎
Time's Running Out
- 5
From Here to Eternity
- 6
Dandelion -Wild flower-
- 7
She and Her Scribbling
- 8
A Silhouette of the Two
- 9
A Song of a Dice
- 10
The Way We Were
- 11
The Remains of the Day
Changie, who has just turned sixty, has been in the music industry for over forty years. For his third album, his first work in eight years, he has chosen eleven songs from various periods of his career. Each song depicts everyday scenes you may encounter on any street corner. Each time you listen to his songs, they will take you back to a different time and place in your life, allowing you to relive those moments again for a while. We are all travelers in time, and our journeys remain long. In this album you will see what has been, and what will be, standing at a "milestone".
Artist Profile
Born in Yokohama in 1960. Started playing with my band in my teens in Yokohama and Yokosuka, the Japanese Liverpool. Worked as a composer for 30 years, made music for various plays and movies. At the age of 50, Changie decided to return to the stage as a singer-songwriter. Now he's determined to dedicate his life once again to music. Get ready. You are about to witness the brightest and the darkest moments of your life.
Bless Records Tokyo