Hey Darlin'のジャケット写真


Move On


I got faded out some years down

I got no motivation towards my life

& Time tries to kill me again

I couldn't find my way out

But I realized a little light yeah

I am a punk rocker till the day I die

I know this feeling

It's a fire in my heart

So I decided to keep moving on

Moving on, Growing up

’Cause I know someone is waiting for me

Making up, Brand new days

& I got to be true to myself

I couldn't deal with the 27th devil

So I'm still here, on the street of gravel

I've been getting over some arising troubles

Time & time again

Keep movin' on

Sometimes the hope runs far away from me

But it's nothing for me

Moving on, Growing up

’Cause I know someone is waiting for me

Making up, Brand new days

& I got to be true to myself

Moving on

Moving on

Moving on, Growing up

’Cause I know someone is waiting for me

Making up, Brand new days

& I got to be true to myself

Moving on, Growing up

’Cause I know someone is waiting for me

Making up, Brand new days

& I got to be true to myself

Moving on

Moving on

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Hey Darlin'のジャケット写真

韃靼兵談 の“Move On”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

2023年5月にリリース後、国内iTunes オルタナティブチャートで1位を獲得した1stシングル "OPERATION NO CONTROL / I GUESS YOU" に続く2作目のEP。


  • 韃靼兵談

    ギターボーカル、ベース、ドラムというシンプルな3ピースにバリトンサックスを加えた4人編成のパンクバンド。2023年5月にリリースした1stシングル「OPERATION NO CONTROL / I GUESS YOU」は国内iTunesオルタナティブチャート1位を記録。12月9日に2nd EP「Hey Darlin’」をリリース。



