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The Structures & Luna Goami

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A new standard J-pop, with vocalist Luna Goami, who made a strong presence with her thrilling voice in the Popular Japanese drama "Saiai" , and The Structures (a.k.a Yusei Koga), who boasts an attractive sound. The unique texture and clarity of the vocals blend together, and the singing with a faint lyricism and heavy synth sounds inspired by US charts of Pop, EDM and Future bass create an urban and organic sound. It is also a collaboration as a singer-songwriter x music producer, making it an addictive piece. A discerning EP created by only two people, not only songwriting, but also concept, artwork, mixing and mastering. From the melancholy groove electro to the organic synth pop that runs through the night town, 3 songs that vividly color everyday life from dawn to dusk.

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iTunes Store • J-Pop TOP SONGS • United States • TOP 18 • 28 Apr 2023

Artist Profile

  • The Structures

    A personal music project produced by composer Yusei Koga. He creates urban and organic sounds with heavy synth sounds inspired by Pop, EDM, and Future Bass of the US charts.They have been co-laboring and producing music with international artists and releasing music targeting the world.He started his music career in 2020, releasing his first album "By my side" and his single "Illusion" in 2021, which was nominated as a semi-finalist in the International Songwriting Competition 2021.In 2021, his single "Illusion" was nominated as a semi-finalist in the International Songwriting Competition 2021.Under the name of Yusei Koga, he has also participated as a composer and trackmaker for artists! Asaka Karin "My Shadow", Kishitani Kaoru "Beautiful", etc. He is active in Beatmaker, Songwriter, and sound design that are not confined to the framework of J-Pop music.He is active in track making, melody making, and sound design that do not fit into the framework of J-Pop.

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    The Structuresの他のリリース
  • Luna Goami

    作詞作曲ほか、自由に声帯を使う表現で、ドラマやアニメの劇伴・主題歌等で活動。ドラマ『最愛』、アニメ『おそ松さん』などの話題作で歌声が話題となる。日本語・英語・架空語のほか、ブルガリアンボイスや民族歌唱も持ち味とする。 幼少期から「音声」に強い興味があり、小学生の頃からラジカセで採取した生活音と声でラジオ番組や物語を創作、音声の世界にのめり込む。坂本龍一氏に「独特の周波数を持つ声」と称されたラジオ放映が話題となり、早稲田大学在学中より歌の仕事・作曲をスタート。 最近では、東京芸術劇場での「fate/grand order オーケストラコンサートperformed by 東京都交響楽団」ゲストボーカルや、舞台『鬼滅の刃』など、舞台音楽への参加も多数。 2021年、映画「かく恋慕」の主題歌と劇伴で、フランス・ニース映画祭最優秀作曲賞ノミネート。 「誰かの心を震わせるためには、自分の心を動かし続けること」をモットーに、あらゆる声の表現を探求中。

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