be distorted Front Cover


be distorted


どれ程時が 流れたのだろう

星が降るような 晴れた夜空に

綺麗と零す声 ⽩息交え

並んで 歩いた⽇から

強く思えば 痛くなるほど

胸ん中熱く 早くなる⿎動

同じスタートライン 同じ⽅向

⽬指したはずなのに 今どこ?

すっかり空いた 俺と君の横が

論より 証拠だな

メモリ 消去

邪魔な ⾔葉じゃ

埋められない この間は

きっと このまま

“好き”なんて 二⽂字では

⾜りないくらい 想いは強く烈しく

⼝に出さずとも 伝わるなんて

そんな訳ないと 失って気づく

ふたり ⼿を繋いで

歩いた記憶 鮮やかに

歪む 視界の中で

思い出すのは あの笑顔

巡りめぐる 記憶の輪廻

濃密な時間 名残惜しんで

今⽇を ⽣きていく

過去は 付いてくる

今はまだ ⼀瞬のシーケンス

真っ⽩な キャンバスに絵描いて

起きても覚めない 夢みたいね

次会うなら 別の世界線の

ふとした 出逢いで

好きだとか そばにいてとか

素直に ⾔えたら

ふたり 続いてたかな

そんな戯⾔ 聴き逃してよ

もう戻らない 過去の話だから

ふたり ⼿を離して

歩き始める 新たな道

空を ⾒上げるのは


すぐそこまで 春が来ているから

  • Lyricist

    CLIMB, Toa

  • Composer


  • Producer


be distorted Front Cover

Listen to be distorted by SAMURAI APARTMENT

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    be distorted


2021年ラストを飾る楽曲は切ないchill ballade。
コロナ禍リアルな活動が尽く制限される中SAMURAI APARTMENTの活動テーマであるバーチャルアパート内のクリエータ達による創作活動は衰える事を知らない。




Artist Profile


    SAMURAI APARTMENT is a unique track making unit consisting of Japanese drum player and track maker KYO, DJ and rap CLIMB, and Japanese VOICE SHIMO. A collective of artists and creators living in the apartment. KYO and CLIMB, who were high school classmates, had already been involved in music activities in their respective fields during their high school days, and someday they wanted to create music together that was not bound by boundaries... They graduated from high school in March 2011 while talking about such things. Ten days later, the Great East Japan Earthquake struck his hometown... The two participated in reconstruction support activities in their respective music fields, and after returning to the studio for the first time in a while, they created a song with the theme of Japanese-style lounge music. Just as art is born in the social spaces of Western clubs and salons where different kinds of creators gather, we imagine the creative activities of apartment dwellers with dreams in the same direction as seen in Japanese writers and manga artists of the past. SAMURAI APARTMENT, a dope virtual apartment where friends can freely participate, has been born. On March 11, 2017, the day of the 7th Great East Japan Earthquake, he released NEO JAPAN LOUNGE #001, which describes the days he spent from the age of 18 to 24, when he was an impressionable person, dedicated to the reconstruction of his hometown. It was distributed worldwide on iTunes and suddenly ranked 40th in the world genre. In June 2017, he was in charge of the 60-second and 15-second TV commercials, the opening video for the Six Festival Parade, and the festival jingle for the Tohoku Kizuna Festival. Released their 1st album NEO JAPAN LOUNGE #001 Re:UNION which remastered 4 digitally distributed songs and included 2 new songs. In May 2018, SHIMO, who positions his voice as the ultimate instrument that conveys a message, joined the group and began working on his second album.Even before its release, a tie-up for four songs was decided. The long-awaited 2nd album Our Future will be released on March 11, 2019 In order not to stop their activities during the coronavirus pandemic, they shifted to LIVE, focusing on streaming, and held a relay-style live streaming festival called RemoFes, which called on artists from all over the country and made it into internet news. As a result of these activities, Toshiyuki Tachikawa of the Important MAN Brothers provided music, and collaborations with ex: BOOWY drummer Makoto Takahashi, ex: Off Course drummer Jiro Oma, and ex: HOUND DOG keyboardist Tadashi Minowa were realized. In 2004, he shifted from his previous video-based activities to live performances, and successfully performed as a two-man with Silver Kidd (AssH, FUYU, Buddy, Nyk), singing the theme song for the 65th anniversary of local TBC TV, Ichiya no Kira. The theme song Yumegokoch for the game Genso ~Yumegokochi from Tohoku has been decided! Recognized for their music that combines tradition and electronics, they were invited to Europe's largest Japan Day JapanTag and Germany's largest film festival Nippon Connection making their first performance in Germany.

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