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San Francisco Conservatory of Music(サンフランシスコ音楽院)から帰国後、本格的に活動を開始。聴く人の心を浄化させ るような深く艶やかな伊東真紀の歌声はCM100本を超える歌唱やハウスのDJ Hideo Kobayashi、テクノ・現代音楽の石川智久等 のフィーチャリングヴォーカルを務める実力からも裏付けされるようにJazz界以外からも高い評価を受けている。
アジアの賛美歌と称され、アメリカ、 フランス、ベルギーでのリリースを経て、待望の国内初のファーストアルバム「Voyage」は、共同プロデュースに秋田慎治を迎え、メンバーは、平石カツミ(Bass)、藤井摂(Drums)、荻原亮(Guitar)、スペシャルゲスト・土岐英史(A.Sax,S.Sax)が参加し、エレクトリックとアコースティックの垣根を超えたJazzとPopsが融合した珠玉のサウンドに仕上げた。
日常誰もが感じている一瞬の心模様 を描写した日本語と英語の歌詞の世界は、明日へ光を贈るメッセージが込められている。
自身の書き下ろし7曲、秋田慎治との共作1曲、カヴァー4 曲・スマイル、イマジン、ヒューマンネイチャー、ムーンリヴァーを収録。
「Voyage」は発売よりアマゾン3週間連続トップ10ランキング入りを果たし、雑誌「CD Journal」、「ジャズ批評」、「オーディオアクセサリー」、「NetAudio」、「スピーカーブック2017」等で優秀作品、優秀録音と高く評価をされている。

Artist Profile

  • Maki Ito

    Maki Ito studied vocal work at SanFrancisco Conservatory of Music, after which she returned to Japan and started working as a singer. She started with featuring DJ Hideo Kobayashi and their song "New Globe" was on the first place for 3 months on Germany's music site the worldwide audience she was discovered from that site, where people from different countries started to value her voice. Her voice was so beautiful that people started saying that it reminded them of Asian hymn. After that she released new songs in America, France and Belgium. One of the songs was chosen to the compilation CD called "Eyes on Tokyo" which was released in Paris. The songs were chosen by Ryuichi Sakamoto (composed "Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence) and Joe Hisaishi (music composer of Ghibli Studio movies). In addition, Maki Ito's rich and sensitive musicianship got started from there, when she also sang for numerous television commercials. For example "Invitation to 2020 Tokyo Olympics", "New cling wrap", "McDonald's song", "Bifidus yogurt"and we can carry on to over 100 songs. Maki Ito has also composed and wrote the lyrics for the opening and ending song for anime called "Kitten dream" which was aired in Chinese National Broadcasting. She also wrote lyrics and sang for the anime called "Kurokami" ("Black God") which was aired in Japan, Korea and America. From these songs Maki Ito gained more popularity around the World. Not only did she continue to compose and write her own songs but also pursued to sing Jazz, Bossanova and Pop style. She gained more popularity as a vocalist and from there started her nationwide live concerts. After Tohoku Earthquake (March 2011) the song "New Globe" was released on free download. Maki Ito's first single "幸せへ/My love" (ダブルA面.T-TOC Records) was released in April 2013. These songs were arranged and co-produced with Hidekazu Uchiike (composer). With Japanese top musicians, such as Toshihiro Nakanishi (violin),Nobuo Egchi(Drums), Kiyotsugu Amano(Guitar),Yuuki Sugawara(Percussions),Hijiri Murakami(Bass),Masaki Hayashi(Piano) Maki Ito created a single with warm and high quality. Recommended by Ryo Kawasaki, Maki Ito successfully performed in Estonia, in October 2014. In December 2015 Maki Ito released her first downloadable single "心の花/gift". in November 2016 Maki Ito released her first album"Voyage". Maki Ito is valued by her voice that gently and warmly embraces each and every listener. Maki Ito has said "I wish that listening to my voice and songs will speak to your mind and soul ."

    Artist page

    Maki Itoの他のリリース

High Hopes Sound