今すぐ倒れたい太陽のベッド 沈むように
蒸気の上がる港町が地元 思い出しちゃうね目を閉じれば
今すぐうなだれたい太陽のベッド 沈むように
Clap your hands 大好きなペン
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Listen to Beds of the sun by the Loupes
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Beds of the sun
the Loupes
- 2
Look up, satellite
the Loupes
- 3
the Loupes
- 4
Want to fall down into it?
the Loupes
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the Loupes
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the Loupes
" We don' t need , We got it !" Local urban culture that is being refined, 30s, band. If you've been active for a long time, you'll definitely hit a wall, and music to overcome it. The Hiroshima quartet, The Loupes, is also just one of the many unknown bands that have continued to write their songs without being swept away by the tide of sound of the moment. This EP contains all the awesomeness and love of playing music while living your daily routine. "The port town where steam rises is local" (M-1 "Beds of the sun")
A "song" with words and melody, which is neither city pop nor HIP HOP, spun by Loupes, who has been in the band for 10 years. The warmth of stroking your cheeks is the music of the town you live in.