Ei-vy Front Cover


I can't do it to your world


私にはできない あなたの世界に

ただ静かに立つ 遠くから見守って

星空が散りばめる 空の下で

息をするように 祈っている

影に隠れた 月の下で

涙ながらに 夢を見る 見る

共に過ごした 楽しい時間

苦しいほどの 幸せもう

海に沈んでしまった 思い出たち

砕けた言葉と 触れた指

すべてが 今は遠く

私にはできない あなたの世界に

ただ静かに立つ 遠くから見守って

月明かりに 包まれながら 微笑む

本当のない場所へ 手を伸ばしながら

本当のない暗闇に 目を閉じて震える

再び会える日を ただ願いながら

あなたとの 小さな秘密を 胸に秘めて

私にはできない あなたの世界に

心の中で叫ぶ愛を 静かに抱きしめて

この恋が 私を形作る

私にはできない あなたの世界に

ただ静かに立つ 遠くから見守って

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Ei-vy Front Cover

Listen to I can't do it to your world by Ei-vy

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    You and the Shadow of Light


  • 2

    Flower of Hope


  • ⚫︎

    I can't do it to your world


  • 4

    Under the city lights


  • 5

    Invitation of the sky and the sea


  • 6

    Whispering Streets


[Debut Album] Ei-vy
I am Ei-vy, a music creator who has been working with AI tools since March 2024 to create original songs that resonate with the heart!
This work was written by Ei-vy and composed/sung by Ei-vy with SunoAI.

--- Ei-vy from now on ---
It was a very high hurdle for us to create music with no knowledge as a music creator, but with the help of AI, we were able to overcome this hurdle. This has enabled me to share "my music" with the world.
I still have a lot to learn, but I continue to work hard every day to create music that reaches the hearts of everyone who listens to it. I will always explore new musical possibilities while experimenting with various arrangements!

Artist Profile

  • Ei-vy

    I'm Ei-vy, a music creator. Since March 2024, I have been using AI tools to create original songs that resonate with the heart. My goal is to enrich lives through music, bringing beauty and health to my listeners. Without prior knowledge as a music creator, producing songs seemed like an insurmountable challenge. However, with the help of AI, I was able to overcome this barrier and share "my music" with the world. While I still have much to learn, I am dedicated to creating music that touches the hearts of those who listen. Continuously exploring new possibilities and trying various arrangements, I strive to produce unique and captivating original songs. Thank you for your support!

    Artist page
