Ei-vy Front Cover


Invitation of the sky and the sea


冷えた夜空を 抜けてゆく

明け方の海が 呼んでいる

蒼い朝の光に 心洗われ

新しい道を 歩み始めた



空も海も 限りなく広がり

迷いながらも 進む僕

果てしない 旅の中でさえ

自分自身を 見つけたい

希望の道標を たどるように

新しい朝が 僕を呼ぶ

静かな朝を 背にして

新しい世界へと 足を踏み出す

透き通る空 広がる海

自由への憧れを  胸に秘めて



高く広がる 空と深い海

時には迷いも 見え隠れする

心の中の 叫びを超えて 空も

新しい自分を 見つけたい

自由な風に 乗ってゆく

限りない 可能性を感じて

風を受けて 帆を広げ


海の導きと 空の広がりに

心を委ねる ようにした

風に乗り 波に乗り

全てを超える 力を信じて

新たな試練が 道を阻む

でも心は もう前しか向かない

透明な 空の下で

新たな自分を 再発見する

遠くの地平線を 目指して

新しい希望に 向かって進む

透き通る 空と海の 誘いに応じ

新しい日々 新しい自分に出会う

新たな(新たな)旅が ゆっくりと始まる

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Ei-vy Front Cover

Listen to Invitation of the sky and the sea by Ei-vy

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    You and the Shadow of Light


  • 2

    Flower of Hope


  • 3

    I can't do it to your world


  • 4

    Under the city lights


  • ⚫︎

    Invitation of the sky and the sea


  • 6

    Whispering Streets


[Debut Album] Ei-vy
I am Ei-vy, a music creator who has been working with AI tools since March 2024 to create original songs that resonate with the heart!
This work was written by Ei-vy and composed/sung by Ei-vy with SunoAI.

--- Ei-vy from now on ---
It was a very high hurdle for us to create music with no knowledge as a music creator, but with the help of AI, we were able to overcome this hurdle. This has enabled me to share "my music" with the world.
I still have a lot to learn, but I continue to work hard every day to create music that reaches the hearts of everyone who listens to it. I will always explore new musical possibilities while experimenting with various arrangements!

Artist Profile

  • Ei-vy

    I'm Ei-vy, a music creator. Since March 2024, I have been using AI tools to create original songs that resonate with the heart. My goal is to enrich lives through music, bringing beauty and health to my listeners. Without prior knowledge as a music creator, producing songs seemed like an insurmountable challenge. However, with the help of AI, I was able to overcome this barrier and share "my music" with the world. While I still have much to learn, I am dedicated to creating music that touches the hearts of those who listen. Continuously exploring new possibilities and trying various arrangements, I strive to produce unique and captivating original songs. Thank you for your support!

    Artist page
