裸の 後ろ姿が
どこか 疲れているような あなた
五階の 西日の 窓に
少し 震える シルエット
冷たすぎる 都会を
見つめて 涙ぐむ
二人も 明日になれば
他人同士に なれるわと
化粧も なおさないまま
サヨナラなんて 云う女(ひと)
あなたは 大人の声で
ボクを 通り過ぎようと している
ルージュをひいて きれいになって
どこかで 食事にしよう
右手で 髪をかきあげ
そっと 瞳を潤ませた あなた
左の タバコの灰が
白い シーツに 落ちていく
見知らぬ街 飛び立ち
この愛 捨て去ると
あなたは 年上だから
時を繕う 術がある
唇 寄せ合う時は
サヨナラ 忘れられても
あなたは 大人の顔で
ボクを 通り過ぎようと している
シルクのドレス 着飾ったなら
今夜は 飲みに行こうか
体を 合わせてみても
サヨナラ 隠し切れない
あなたは 大人の肌で
ボクを 通り過ぎようと している
も一度ここに 戻ってくれば
二人で 愛し合えるさ
- Lyricist
Takemi Otsuki
- Composer
Takemi Otsuki

Listen to You're passing me by by Takemi Otsuki
Streaming / Download
- 1
Crystal Love
Takemi Otsuki
- 2
Lonnie, My Love
Takemi Otsuki
- 3
Last Wave harbor
Takemi Otsuki
- 4
Lady Scorpion
Takemi Otsuki
- 5
Mr. Southwind
Takemi Otsuki
- 6
Room 3007
Takemi Otsuki
- 7
Cold Position
Takemi Otsuki
- ⚫︎
You're passing me by
Takemi Otsuki
- 9
Hold me again
Takemi Otsuki
- 10
Takemi Otsuki
- 11
Throw a goodbye
Takemi Otsuki
- 12
Takemi Otsuki
As if to spare even a moment of sorrow, our love, which has already passed adolescence, is backed by separation. Against a background of fusion sound, the film depicts a man and a woman who are passing each other in the city.
Artist Profile
Takemi Otsuki
Takemi Otsuki is a Japanese doctor, lyricist, composer, arranger, keyboardist, and actor. He is from Kyoto Prefecture. He is the director of the Shinjo Village National Health Insurance Clinic. He is Professor Emeritus of Kawasaki Medical School. He is a director of the NPO Filmmaker Support Organization. Born in Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto Prefecture. He has been living in Kurashiki City since the spring of 15 years old. 1972/1975 Appeared on NHK "Anata no Melody". Participated in the Yamaha Popular Song Contest National Convention in 1974. Mayo Shono, vocalist. After returning to Japan from studying abroad, he embarked on an experimental approach to environmental health and preventive medicine in the field of hygiene while practicing medicine as a general physician. His songs have been released through various subscription services."Mitsumereba Ai" was the sub-theme of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hygiene, where he served as chairman. Original music (Japanese pops) is basically released digitally with lyrics, composition, arrangement, performance and singing. Please search and listen to "Takemi Otsuki".
Takemi Otsukiの他のリリース
Works Rrcords