さり気なく タバコを消して
そして 口を開くわ
酔ってるふりの ジョークみたいに
だけど 本当の サヨナラを
聞いてたわ あなたにふられ
そして 泣いた女から
絹のドレスを 引きちぎられて
だけど 許して みせるから
メモリー 思い出す出逢い
ハーバー 霧に 濡れていた
見降ろすホテルの カクテルラウンジ
炎に 変わった My Heart
そのタバコを 後5分だけ
落ちた灰も そのままにして
私を 抱きしめに来て
きまぐれな 遊び相手と
バカに してた私が
慣れてしまった あなたの汗と
離れたくない いつまでも
ルージュさえ あなた好みの
淡い ワインに変えて
さめた顔して グラスをあける
そんなクセさえ やめたのに
メモリー いくつもの夜に
ファンタジー 愛をささやいて
誓った言葉を ボトルに詰め込み
飲み干す あなたに Once More
私だけを 見つめてほしい
熱い視線 浴びせるように
私を 抱きしめに来て
メモリー すれ違う愛を
アンカー つなぎとめていて
触れ合う唇 寄せ合う体に
吐息を注いで Hold you
あなただけに 捧げ続ける
今更 悔やまない
ただ想いが 伝わるならば
私を 抱きしめに来て
- Lyricist
Takemi Otsuki
- Composer
Takemi Otsuki

Listen to Hold me again by Takemi Otsuki
Streaming / Download
- 1
Crystal Love
Takemi Otsuki
- 2
Lonnie, My Love
Takemi Otsuki
- 3
Last Wave harbor
Takemi Otsuki
- 4
Lady Scorpion
Takemi Otsuki
- 5
Mr. Southwind
Takemi Otsuki
- 6
Room 3007
Takemi Otsuki
- 7
Cold Position
Takemi Otsuki
- 8
You're passing me by
Takemi Otsuki
- ⚫︎
Hold me again
Takemi Otsuki
- 10
Takemi Otsuki
- 11
Throw a goodbye
Takemi Otsuki
- 12
Takemi Otsuki
As if to spare even a moment of sorrow, our love, which has already passed adolescence, is backed by separation. Against a background of fusion sound, the film depicts a man and a woman who are passing each other in the city.
Artist Profile
Takemi Otsuki
Takemi Otsuki is a Japanese doctor, lyricist, composer, arranger, keyboardist, and actor. He is from Kyoto Prefecture. He is the director of the Shinjo Village National Health Insurance Clinic. He is Professor Emeritus of Kawasaki Medical School. He is a director of the NPO Filmmaker Support Organization. Born in Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto Prefecture. He has been living in Kurashiki City since the spring of 15 years old. 1972/1975 Appeared on NHK "Anata no Melody". Participated in the Yamaha Popular Song Contest National Convention in 1974. Mayo Shono, vocalist. After returning to Japan from studying abroad, he embarked on an experimental approach to environmental health and preventive medicine in the field of hygiene while practicing medicine as a general physician. His songs have been released through various subscription services."Mitsumereba Ai" was the sub-theme of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hygiene, where he served as chairman. Original music (Japanese pops) is basically released digitally with lyrics, composition, arrangement, performance and singing. Please search and listen to "Takemi Otsuki".
Takemi Otsukiの他のリリース
Works Rrcords