Look for a temple of under water Front Cover


Own pace song

Vivimba of Stone Fried

着飾ることに疲れたら 思い出してみてもイイんじゃない

構えずに 気張らずに 肩の力抜いてみろ

悩むことに飽きてきたら 忘れてみてもイイんじゃない

したいこと 好きなもの だけを見て 考えて

頑張ることに限界が来たら 立ち止まってみてもイイんじゃない

それなりに ほどほどに マイペースで歩いてけ

応えることが嫌になったら 甘えちゃってもイイんじゃない

吐き出して 泣き尽くして 笑い飛ばし la la la la la!

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

Look for a temple of under water Front Cover

Listen to Own pace song by Vivimba of Stone Fried

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Strong motion

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 2

    Heartbeat radio

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • ⚫︎

    Own pace song

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 4

    I worry about you

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 5


    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 6

    What is J-A-P

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 7

    Noisy life

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 8

    Show time

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 9

    I don't care

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 10

    Punk-ism pancake-ism

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 11

    Dance-oh, no-raging

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 12

    Lina Jaw

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 13


    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 14

    Muni no Yu-jin

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

This album was made by us "Vivimba of Stone Fried" from Nara Japan.
The work is 2nd album for the first time in 3 years.
3 years add depth to Vivimba.
You should listen to this.
We are waiting for you at the temple of underwater.

Artist Profile
