Look for a temple of under water Front Cover


I worry about you

Vivimba of Stone Fried

Hi, I'm here

Look at the mirror

Have a closer look

How about you?

What kind of expression did you have?

You look tired

You look trouble

Are you alright?

I worry about you in the mirror

I worry about you

I worry about you anytime

You pass me by

Without nothing

I wanna hold your hands deep down inside

You shouldn't bottle up your feelings

Why don't you get it?

Are you OK?

Are you alright?

I worry about you in the mirror

I worry about you

I worry about you anytime

I worry about you in the mirror

I worry about you

I worry about you anytime

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

Look for a temple of under water Front Cover

Listen to I worry about you by Vivimba of Stone Fried

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Strong motion

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 2

    Heartbeat radio

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 3

    Own pace song

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • ⚫︎

    I worry about you

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 5


    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 6

    What is J-A-P

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 7

    Noisy life

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 8

    Show time

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 9

    I don't care

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 10

    Punk-ism pancake-ism

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 11

    Dance-oh, no-raging

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 12

    Lina Jaw

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 13


    Vivimba of Stone Fried

  • 14

    Muni no Yu-jin

    Vivimba of Stone Fried

This album was made by us "Vivimba of Stone Fried" from Nara Japan.
The work is 2nd album for the first time in 3 years.
3 years add depth to Vivimba.
You should listen to this.
We are waiting for you at the temple of underwater.

Artist Profile
