Cassette Gadget 1983-1984 Front Cover


Heartbreak all over the world

Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

自惚れた都会に棲む ぼくらに似た恋人たちは

ひとりで夜を過ごすのが怖い 寒い夜を過ごすのがつらい

古ぼけたアパートの階段 屋根を超えて歩いてゆくきみは

もう二度と捕らえられない 時は過ぎてぼくはひとり

覚えてる? 初めての夜に 出会いの夜に きみがいったこと

掴まえてよ 帰りたくないの わたしを あなたは 掴まえてよ

14歳の時のぼくは 22歳の今のぼくを見て

許さないだろう 認めないだろう

時は過ぎて ぼくは変わった


きみのいない夜を過ごす たくさん在った感情を捨てる

いくらぼくが過去を閉じこめても 思いはいつまでもつきまとってくる

きみの声が聞こえてくる ぼくの知らぬ外国のうただ

そしてそれは帰らない 帰れない時間

悲しすぎて 涙さえもう 流れない

  • Lyricist

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • Composer

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • Producer

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • Recording Engineer

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • Synthesizer

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • Vocals

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • Background Vocals

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

Cassette Gadget 1983-1984 Front Cover

Listen to Heartbreak all over the world by Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Suspended Ocean

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 2

    Long distance shore (Prototype)

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 3

    In the backseat

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 4


    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 5

    Scarlet Sails

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 6

    Everlasting flowers illusions

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 7

    Stargazer Boy

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 8

    December rainy day

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 9

    Central station

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 10


    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • 11

    Safety night

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

  • ⚫︎

    Heartbreak all over the world

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

I began making multiple recordings in 1983 when I started working as a temporary employee at the Players Inn Music Store in Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. The manager, Mr. Minamiyama, kindly allowed me to use the store freely after it closed to learn how to handle the instruments. I recorded some of the pieces I did back then and included them in this album.
I did not save the data on a CD-R, so I bought a TEAC cassette deck the other day and tried to play back the tapes. The first six tracks recorded at a music store in 1983 (I named them "Walking Tempo") were particularly difficult to listen to, and I wondered whether I should release them, but I decided to release them as a record.
The latter six tracks were recorded in 1984 at an apartment in Daizawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Although he lived in the gorgeous Shimokita area, he was unable to form a solidarity with anyone and continued to make music while suffering from loneliness. The label of the tape was titled "Heartbreak all over the world."
Many people will find these sound sources difficult to hear. The lyrics are immature, the instrumental performance is full of mistakes, and the pitch of the song is questionable. I myself don't find it very pleasant to listen to. However, these 12 songs are indispensable materials when talking about Keisuke Iwashita's musical history.

Artist Profile

  • Iwashita Keisuke Sardine

    My name is Iwashita Keisuke, also known as Sardine. Over the 19 years from 1983 to 2002, I recorded about 150 songs that I recorded over multiple tracks by myself. I compiled these into eight albums and released them one after another in 2024. In 2025, instead of the anthology released the previous year, I will release an album that has been re-edited in chronological order. The first release was "Windsor Knot," a compilation of songs created between 1989 and 1995, released on January 25th. In February, I will release two titles from the "Cassette Gadget" series, which contain recordings made on cassette tapes between 1983 and 1984. It's an oldie but evergreen song that depicts a mixture of romanticism, cold-heartedness, and passion, as well as incoherent anxiety and longing for something that cannot be reached. Please listen to the variety of Sardine's songs.

    Artist page

    Iwashita Keisuke Sardineの他のリリース