Distant Ridge Front Cover


Distant Ridge

Taiichirou Fukuchi

いつか二人で やって来たね

流れる雲の 行き着くところへ

見渡す丘に 流れる風

二人黙って 言葉を交わした


君が記した 地図を頼りに

そこへは誰も たどり着けない

白く輝く 遥かな尾根

入江に浮かぶ 観覧船

岬めざして 白い弧を描く

心のままに 車走らせ

虹をくぐって 頂を目指す


二人話した 夢を探して

そこへは誰も たどり着けない

白く輝く 遥かな尾根

あれは夏の日 砂に寝そべり

君が記した 地図を頼りに

そこへは誰も たどり着けない

白く輝く 遥かな尾根

(もう帰れないね 山肌を 夕日が赤く染めてく...)

  • Lyricist

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Composer

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Producer

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Graphic Design

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Guitar

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Bass Guitar

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Keyboards

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Synthesizer

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Vocals

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Background Vocals

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Piano

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

  • Songwriter

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

Distant Ridge Front Cover

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    Distant Ridge

    Taiichirou Fukuchi

Feel the refreshing breeze of the Showa era.
In the early 1980s, when television was still the main form of media, many hit songs were born from commercial songs and drama theme songs. Following this trend, I set out to compose a travel song with the aim of creating a versatile commercial song in a three-part format that builds up to a chorus, but it only had one chorus of lyrics and the structure was left unclear. My band members at the time asked me, "What happened to that song?" and encouraged me to release "Haruka na one" as a single. I was in my early 20s when I composed this song, and I hope it conveys the excitement of suddenly gaining freedom after just getting my driver's license.
It took nearly 40 years to climb the mountain I promised to (laughs).

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