Deep inside my heart Front Cover


To my dearest mother


もうパンはない もうお菓子もない

Here’s no more any bread, no more any candy too

白い箱はからっぽ あるのは水だけ

There is nothing inside the white box, just a little bit of water

でも もうすぐママは帰ってくる

But I believe my mum’s coming back home very soon


Coming back home with the bread and candy which I like

昨日もその前も 帰ってこなかったけど

Although she didn’t come back even yesterday or before

今日は帰ってくる ママ

She is coming back today my mum

外に出たい でもあかない

Wanna go out from here, but the door is locked

誰も来ない おじいちゃん おばあちゃん

Nobody is coming grandfather grandmather

でも もうすぐママは帰ってくる

But I believe my mum’s coming back home very soon


Coming back home with the packed lunch and juice which I like

昨日から何も 食べてない

I haven’t eaten any since yesterday

お腹すいたよ ママ

I’m so hungry now my mum

ねえ 光の人

Man of light please tell me


The reason why we are born with our hands


It’s because people connect with people


The reason why we are born with our feet


It’s because people meet up people


The reason why we are born with our mouths


It’s to protect people and people with words


The reason why we are born with our ears


It’s because people and people are aware of the kindness


The reason why we are born with our eyes


It’s because people and people understand each other


The reason why we are all born with our hearts


It’s because people and people love each other


Hey when will mum comes back?


She told me that she has a new lover


She said that she didn’t want to give a birth

ママ ぼくのこと嫌いになったの?

Mum, tell me do you hate me now?

ママが好き ママが好き ぼくを見て 大好きなママ

I love you mum, I love you mum, Look at me please, love you so much, my mum

ママのあったかい ごはんが食べたい

I want to eat mum’s rice, it was so warm

ママと一緒に お風呂に入りたい

I want to take a bath with mum it was so warm

ママと一緒に 寝たい

I want to fall asleep with mum

ママに 会いたい

I want to see you my mum


Tell me mum, don’t you come back home no more?


Please tell me the truth, do you really hate me now?

ぼく いい子になるよ

I’ll become a very good boy


I won’t ask for candy no more

ママ ママ ママ ママ

Mummy mummy mummy mummy

ママ もうねむくなった

Mummy, I am so sleepy


And I will be born again to your place if you don’t mind

そしたら 同じ名前にしてね

And so please give me the same name again if you like


I want to see you again my mum

ママ 大好き だ よ

Mummy, I love you forever

見て ママ ぼく 光につつまれてお空をのぼってるよ

Look! Mummy, I, I’m climbing the sky and wrapped in the light

ほら 笑ってるぼくを見て

Here, can you see that I’m smiling


To my dearest mother


I love you the most in this world

たすけてと言えない人をたすけて たすけてと言う人をたすけて

Help someone who can not say “Help me”

Help someone who are saying “Help me”

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Deep inside my heart Front Cover

Listen to To my dearest mother by yuki

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  • 1

    Deep inside my heart


  • ⚫︎

    To my dearest mother


  • 3

    A little family [The world is one family]


  • 4



Boy of a spited junior high school for 2 years.
No one was helpful and I was one all the while.
I stood and stood it all the while.
But no one helped.
You couldn't finish standing and couldn't finish standing it, and I committed suicide.
The boy who died in heaven cried out for his feelings as a child like himself was never taken out.
My, you think and where do you even receive?

Artist Profile

  • yuki

    [Book] [How to become a mother] [Useless efforts of businessman] [Music] ● [Takaramono III]11 songs ①Criminal ②I always liked it ③Next spring[From now on we will be spring by spring] ④Heart ⑤Anonymous ⑥Hide-and-seek ⑦Candy ⑧To my favorite mama ⑨My apocalypse ⑩A small family[The world is a family] ⑪Takaramono [Message] All children, including children born from now, all adults including grandpa · grandma, everyone has father / mother. Even if you are not near, even if you are leaving the world, you are in my mind. Everyone is protected by your father and mother. And, everyone gives love to the hearts of fathers and mothers, keeping their fathers and mothers. Everyone is irreplaceable "Takaramono". Regardless of academic background, poor, homeless, unemployed, occupation, status, race, famous unnamed, withdrawal, bedridden, presence / absence of disease / disability, presence of crime, etc. are not relevant. Everyone, things that I should say / What I can not do, What I can do · What I can not do, It is a god who tells me the immatureness of society, sometimes with precious lives. Everyone is irreplaceable "Takaramono". Everyone, thank you for being born. Connecting our lives, our country and the world, and the people who built the cornerstone of the earth, those who live in the same age I love everyone. yuki

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