YUMESAKI Suicide Front Cover


In Your Color

Half century girl Ao

色とりどりに咲いている アネモネの花に

それぞれ花言葉があること 知ってますか?

信じて待つ紫 君を愛す赤

白い花は期待 そして希望

誰の人生にも 同じ数だけ

思い通りに ならないことあるはず

( Your smile  is  hope  )

白いキャンバスに もう一度もう一度

あなたの思うがままに 好きな色で

染めてゆけばいいの ( I  think  so )

Wind  flower  アネモネの




人生はいつも 楽しさと苦しさが

同じ数だけ 等しくあるはず

( Your smile  is  hope  )

広いキャンバスに もう二度ともう二度と

あなたは迷わないわ 七色に輝く

虹を描けばいい ( I  think  so  )

  • Lyricist

    Half century girl Ao

  • Composer

    Half century girl Ao

YUMESAKI Suicide Front Cover

Listen to In Your Color by Half century girl Ao

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Anti-aging smile

    Half century girl Ao

  • 2

    Waltz of Tricolor Violet

    Half century girl Ao

  • ⚫︎

    In Your Color

    Half century girl Ao

  • 4

    YUMESAKI Suicide

    Half century girl Ao

Half century girl Ao's third album.
A girl who loves to fantasize, she was never good at drawing or writing, and grew up without any means of self-expression. It was when she was past her fifties that she suddenly started writing songs. A mature maiden who discovered that she could express herself through music suddenly blossomed without even budding.
This is a work in which she created sounds as if she were painting a picture, using her sensitivity cultivated through theater and art appreciation, based on the miracle created by such an encounter with music. It is a visual beauty that is truly befitting of the concept of a "kaleidoscope of sound," a sharpened view of the world that no one can imagine, reflected in layers of mirrors and locked into a single album.
The lyrics of each song include a flower and the language of flowers inspired by the song.

Artist Profile

  • Half century girl Ao

    My name is Half century girl Ao who started playing in my 50s. I am a housewife but a lifeless character. My songs are extraordinary songs like musicals. I have a healing harp voice. I sometimes have a bad-girl dusky voice. I am a woman who plays and performs on the keyboard. I am sometimes a KIMONO performer and princess.

    Artist page

    Half century girl Aoの他のリリース

AoShufu Label
