つまらない人生だなんて ぼやくのは止めないか?
少しくらい立ち止まったって 悪い気はしないだろう?
俯きながら歩くより 自分の歩幅揃えて
前向いて歩ける事が 大切な気がするんだ
誰かが流した涙を 拭ってあげるのじゃなく
共に涙流せる様な そんな人になれる様に
昨日より今日の自分を 今日より明日の自分を
願いながらこの道を 誰もが進んでる
自分だけが強いんだろうか? 自分だけが弱いのか?
目の当たりにした現実に 押しつぶされそうになる
答えなんてきっと何処にも 在りはしないだろう
頼りは心の羅針盤 それだけあれば大丈夫
生まれ落ちたならいっそ 覚悟決めて生きようぜ
自分だけのリアルを求め 旅を続けてみないか?
心揺さぶるモノは 着飾る言葉じゃなくて
不器用でも正直な 在りのままの言葉だろう
昨日より今日の自分を 今日より明日の自分を
願いながらこの道を 誰もが進んでる
いつかはこの命にも 必ず終わりが来る
だから精一杯の想いを 叫んでいたいんだ
- Lyricist
hiroshi takano
- Composer
hiroshi takano

Listen to kodou by better stance
Streaming / Download
- 1
senno hikari
better stance
- ⚫︎
better stance
- 3
better stance
- 4
better stance
- 5
Salty Fields
better stance
- 6
better stance
- 7
better stance
- 8
better stance
better stance
Formed in September 2019. After graduating from high school, this acoustic unit was reunited after about 20 years by Takumi Honzawa and Hiroshi Takano. Based on the philosophy of "with a moderate and reasonable stance", we develop activities. His pursuit of "songs that are close to life" has attracted a lot of sympathy. This album consists of band sounds, each of which is visible and hidden in the essence of the music influenced by each other, and it is an album of all eight songs full of color based on straight lyrics spelled from a daily perspective.
Artist Profile
better stance
Formed in September 2019. An acoustic unit consisting of two people who reunited after about 20 years after graduating from high school. Under the philosophy of "with a moderately reasonable stance," we develop our activities. The attitude of pursuing "songs that are close to life" has struck a chord with many people.