YELL FOR YOU Front Cover


Salty Fields

better stance

色づく木々と川の流れ 車窓から見下ろして

頬杖ついた帰り道 言葉にならない不安と恐怖が

居座っていた 喉の奥に

ぼんやりと見つめた 渓谷の夕暮れ

泣き疲れたあとは 呼吸さえも苦しくて

祈るように過ごした 少年の日々

吹き荒れる 風の中 怯えていたよ 震えるように

わずかでも ささやかな 温もりに触れたい そう願って

タイヤ工場の跡地に 夢じゃなく確かにあった

眩しく輝いた時代 時は止まらない 再開発の波

押し寄せるよ この街にも

あんなにも一途に 愛し合った二人が

互いに好きなまま 別れて行くなんて

時は遠く流れた それぞれ別の人と・・・

なつかしい あの笑顔 瞳の奥で 勇気をくれる

駆け抜けた青春を 飾るのは ほろ苦く甘い傷跡

「何にもない」と 飛び出したこの街が こんなにも愛おしい

緑豊かなソルティフィールズ 仲間たちの絆にありがとう

I will thank you forever!

  • Lyricist

    takumi honzawa

  • Composer

    takumi honzawa

YELL FOR YOU Front Cover

Listen to Salty Fields by better stance

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    senno hikari

    better stance

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    better stance

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    better stance

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    better stance

  • ⚫︎

    Salty Fields

    better stance

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    better stance

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    better stance

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    better stance

    better stance

Formed in September 2019. After graduating from high school, this acoustic unit was reunited after about 20 years by Takumi Honzawa and Hiroshi Takano. Based on the philosophy of "with a moderate and reasonable stance", we develop activities. His pursuit of "songs that are close to life" has attracted a lot of sympathy. This album consists of band sounds, each of which is visible and hidden in the essence of the music influenced by each other, and it is an album of all eight songs full of color based on straight lyrics spelled from a daily perspective.

Artist Profile

  • better stance

    Formed in September 2019. An acoustic unit consisting of two people who reunited after about 20 years after graduating from high school. Under the philosophy of "with a moderately reasonable stance," we develop our activities. The attitude of pursuing "songs that are close to life" has struck a chord with many people.

    Artist page
