FLYING HOUSE 2085 Front Cover



takeshi hamabe

Fun da BB dAIem ah

未体験ZONEへ繰り出せ こんな夜に

Fun da BB dAIem ah

Tandem からはじめよう

アイアイア 転がして さぁ

アイアイア 気を許してみて

アイアイア まだ知らない世界がある さぁ

古からある名店 誠実にR指定です


新たに提供しよう 革命だ「BB dAIem」を

ヘソから崩れ落ちる 快感を体験せい

ご立派な世論の目線 抜け目ない規律に辟易

あなただけじゃない 癒しが欲しいなら いざ

Fun da BB dAIem ah

未体験ZONEへ繰り出せ こんな夜に

Fun da BB dAIem ah

Tandem からはじめよう

アイアイア 転がして さぁ

アイアイア 気を許してみて

アイアイア まだ知らない世界がある さぁ

Fun dAIemでさ はじまる imagination

Fun dAIemでさ 感じる relaxation

大いなる責任背負って レールから外れず everyday

たまには許されよう 誰にも知られずに いざ

Fun da BB dAIem ah

未体験ZONEへ繰り出せ こんな夜に

Fun da BB dAIem ah

Tandem からはじめよう

アイアイア 転がして さぁ

アイアイア 気を許してみて

アイアイア まだ知らない世界がある さぁ

  • Lyricist

    takeshi hamabe

  • Composer

    takeshi hamabe

  • Producer

    takeshi hamabe

  • Vocals

    takeshi hamabe

  • Songwriter

    takeshi hamabe

  • Programming

    takeshi hamabe

FLYING HOUSE 2085 Front Cover

Listen to FUN dAIem by takeshi hamabe

Streaming / Download

  • 1


    takeshi hamabe, KOZUKI MINATO

  • ⚫︎

    FUN dAIem

    takeshi hamabe

  • 3

    "Crush" on PINPIN

    takeshi hamabe, KOZUKI MINATO

  • 4

    mitsugetsu (feat. Yoshihilow)

    takeshi hamabe

  • 5

    Underground indifferent areas

    takeshi hamabe, KOZUKI MINATO

  • 6

    Fight For Narimacan

    takeshi hamabe

  • 7

    Finger Iron Man

    takeshi hamabe, KOZUKI MINATO

  • 8

    Rainy Day

    takeshi hamabe

  • 9

    One-Armed Machine Boy

    takeshi hamabe, KOZUKI MINATO

  • 10

    yah yah

    takeshi hamabe

  • 11

    Post Credit

    takeshi hamabe, KOZUKI MINATO

#What is "FLYING HOUSE2085"?
In the year 2085, forbidden love and hate intersect in a sci-fi playground drama
The future of humanity is entrusted to a single sex virgin
This is an immersive music album that interweaves a track of "vocal play" that develops only through dialogue and a track of "music" created based on it. Weave a story through a single album.
The story is set in the year 2085 in Shibuya Town. The main character "K (Kei)", who is tired of living at night with a partner-type android, visits the amusement building "Flying House" for the first time in his life. There, he meets a beautiful courtesan "Pinpin", and his ordinary life is tossed around, a sci-fi playground drama.

Artist Profile

  • takeshi hamabe

    The album "Utsurou Tsurou" released in January 2023 was a hit and ranked 7th on the iTunes Music R&B/Soul chart. Collaboration sound sources with mabanua, Shingo Sekiguchi, and WONK in "origami home sessions" and "smallthingsPJ", and self-produced songs by Jun Murayama, the keyboardist of "Zutto Midnight De Ii ni" when he was in a band. The cover was well received. In August 2024, "yah yah" was released as a lead song from the next audio drama album. ``yah yah'' is a dance number centered around drum'n'bass, depicting the main character, K, being deceived by the android prostitute Ping-Pin, and even though he is sometimes put under anesthesia, he tries his best to live his life.

    Artist page

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