風にさらわれ 心がにじむ
雨に打たれた 後のように
湿っぽさだけ 残っている
どこまで行くんだ ぼくの心
澄んだ空に 引かれて行く
風船と一緒に ぼくの恋も
窓のカーテン 薄ボンヤリの青
投げ出した スケッチブック
いくつも残る あなたの影
冷たく吹き付ける うつろな風
ミルク入りの コーヒーさえも
今では苦さが 残っているだけ
遠い街の 灯のように
消え入りそうな 貴女の姿
コップの中の スミレの花が いつの間にか 枯れていた
・・・・だからもう 忘れます
・・・・なるべく早く ・・・・忘れます
壁の傷にも 思い出浮かぶ
ふざけて踊る 二人の姿
背中合わせの 哀しみなんて
見えない振りして 笑い合った
あなたの描いた デッサンさえも
泣き出しそうな ぼくの横顔
細い指を 重ねてみて
伝わる想い 信じた瞳
長い髪が 風に揺れて
ささやくように 誓った言葉
遠い街の 灯のように
消え入りそうな 貴女の姿
コップの中の スミレの花が
いつの間にか 枯れていた
・・・・だからもう 忘れます
・・・・なるべく早く ・・・・忘れます
- Lyricist
Keiko Kouda
- Composer
Takemi Otsuki
Listen to It was love by Takemi Otsuki
Streaming / Download
- ⚫︎
It was love
Takemi Otsuki
- 2
Only sleepness is fine
Takemi Otsuki
- 3
In such rain - rain fall -
Takemi Otsuki
- 4
In summer
Takemi Otsuki
- 5
Tiny Violet Flower
Takemi Otsuki
- 6
Your heart gone too far
Takemi Otsuki
- 7
Please, stop the time.
Takemi Otsuki
- 8
Have a cup of coffee
Takemi Otsuki
- 9
Takemi Otsuki
- 10
Like the wind
Takemi Otsuki
- 11
Let me sleep a little more
Takemi Otsuki
- 12
Snow Color
Takemi Otsuki
Adolescent memories" is the fourth album release by Takesami Otsuki, a medical doctor, university professor, and musician.
This is a collection of lyrics written by Keiko Kouda, a girl from the same grade in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, with whom Otsuki exchanged lyrics for about a year in high school, like a correspondence.
In the end, we never met.
She wrote supplementary lyrics for all the songs and delivers the sadness of adolescence with a sound centered on bossa nova.
Artist Profile
Takemi Otsuki
Takemi Otsuki is a Japanese doctor, lyricist, composer, arranger, keyboardist, and actor. He is from Kyoto Prefecture. He is the director of the Shinjo Village National Health Insurance Clinic. He is Professor Emeritus of Kawasaki Medical School. He is a director of the NPO Filmmaker Support Organization. Born in Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto Prefecture. He has been living in Kurashiki City since the spring of 15 years old. 1972/1975 Appeared on NHK "Anata no Melody". Participated in the Yamaha Popular Song Contest National Convention in 1974. Mayo Shono, vocalist. After returning to Japan from studying abroad, he embarked on an experimental approach to environmental health and preventive medicine in the field of hygiene while practicing medicine as a general physician. His songs have been released through various subscription services."Mitsumereba Ai" was the sub-theme of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hygiene, where he served as chairman. Original music (Japanese pops) is basically released digitally with lyrics, composition, arrangement, performance and singing. Please search and listen to "Takemi Otsuki".
Takemi Otsukiの他のリリース
Works Rercords