Kangetsukotoba Front Cover




ゆらり漂うよな 月映のさざなみ

君と語った 夜明け前のひととき

消えてゆきそうな ぬくもりの記憶

そっと胸奥で 火を灯してた

満ちて欠ける 月のように

近づくたびに 遠ざかる君

寄り添えた時間も 幻のよう

それでもずっと 君を探してる

舞い踊る 想いの欠片よ

夜空を越えて 君に届いて

涙も風に変わり 消えゆくなら

この愛だけは 空に描いて

微かに残る 君の声の響き

忘れたくても 消えないひとひら

冷たい風が 心をかすめて

君の温もり ただ恋しくなる

寄り添いたいと 願うたびに

もつれる言葉 空に散りゆく

愛しさを抱いて 夜を越えるよ

君の笑顔を 胸にしまったまま

輝いた あの月の記憶よ

夜明けの風に 夢を乗せて


星のように 君を照らして

夜空に浮かぶ 君の面影

儚く揺れて 消えぬ灯火

届かないと 知りながらも

君を想えば 心が揺れる

舞い散る 想いの欠片たちに

月夜に揺れて 君に届くなら

涙が星に変わり 消えゆくなら

この愛だけは 空に刻もう

消えゆく夜の中 記憶は息づいて

君の声だけが 胸を満たしてく

また巡り来る その夜を信じて

月の光に 君を見つけたい

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Kangetsukotoba Front Cover

Listen to Kangetsukotoba by Ei-vy

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"Kangetsukotoba" (The Poem of Moonlit Night)
Have you ever gazed at the moon, lost in thought?
The waxing and waning moon reflects the ebb and flow of our hearts and the enduring feelings for someone special. This song captures those secret emotions and prayers, intertwined with the gentle glow of moonlight.
"Even unspoken feelings may softly shine under the moonlit sky."
Let the bittersweet yet beautiful ballad, Kangetsukotoba, gently accompany your night.
Immerse yourself in the serene landscapes of moonlit nights and a journey into the heart through this melody.

Artist Profile

  • Ei-vy

    I'm Ei-vy, a music creator. Since March 2024, I have been using AI tools to create original songs that resonate with the heart. My goal is to enrich lives through music, bringing beauty and health to my listeners. Without prior knowledge as a music creator, producing songs seemed like an insurmountable challenge. However, with the help of AI, I was able to overcome this barrier and share "my music" with the world. While I still have much to learn, I am dedicated to creating music that touches the hearts of those who listen. Continuously exploring new possibilities and trying various arrangements, I strive to produce unique and captivating original songs. Thank you for your support!

    Artist page


Kangetsu kotoba
