IMINUMA Front Cover



Hidekatsu, Yuiyui Sisters, IRIS Keiko, Mion, Sanshi, Antonio Camaque, Brandon Lee


海と空が交わる 南の島で

水平線に祈る 穏やかな時を


黄金の太陽は あまねく照らし

古代の物語 今も息づく



ニライカナイ 魂の出会い

ドリームタイム 光の中で

2つの世界が 響き合う

わなかの調べ いついつまでも




南十字星を 夜空に探して

月の虹に祈る 安らかな時を


白銀に輝く 砂は地に満ちて

古代の物語 今も息づく



ニライカナイ 魂が踊る

ドリームタイム 内なる力で

2つの世界が 紡ぎ合う

夢の翼 大空に舞う


ニライカナイ 清ら肝行逢てぃ (しゅらぢむいちゃてぃ)

ドリームタイム 光綾なち (ひかりあやなち)

あん美らさ世界 (しけ) や 互 (たげ) に響 (とぅゆ) まりる

わなかぬ歌や いちぐいちまでぃん


Niraikanai, our soul is dancing in here

Dreamtime, infinite with inner power

Two worlds, we meet and weave together

The wing of dreams flies high and dances in the sky

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IMINUMA Front Cover

Listen to IMINUMA by Hidekatsu, Yuiyui Sisters, IRIS Keiko, Mion, Sanshi, Antonio Camaque, Brandon Lee

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Hidekatsu, Yuiyui Sisters, IRIS Keiko, Mion, Sanshi, Antonio Camaque, Brandon Lee

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    Hidekatsu, Yuiyui Sisters, IRIS Keiko, Mion, Sanshi, Antonio Camaque, Brandon Lee

Artist Profile

  • Hidekatsu

    Born in Taketomi Island, Yaeyma, Hidekatsu discovered the "Taiko Guitar," which is an ancient guitar that holds distinctive Asian tones. With this, he established his own unique musical style that fused the essence of traditional Okinawan music with the dynamics of contemporary music. In 1993, he released his debut song "Miruku Munari," which became a top hit in Okinawa. Since then, it has been used for Creative Eisa performances within Japan and around the world. Currently, he continues his musical career as one of Okinawa's leading musicians and music producers.

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  • Yuiyui Sisters

    1992年5月幼児番組ひらけポンキッキにて「ユイユイ」で山川まゆみが全国デビューしたのをきっかけで、ゆいゆいシスターズ4名組のユニットが結成。 1995 CD発売 民謡グループとして活動開始。 以後、メンバー編成を繰り返しながらライブ活動を続ける。 2015年 新生ユイユイシスターズにて  アルバム「ゆいまーる」発売 2017年 「ちゅらぢゅら」を発売。 現在、全国で精力的にライブ活動を展開し 沖縄のPR活動に励んでいる。

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    Yuiyui Sistersの他のリリース
  • IRIS Keiko

    2010: Began musical activities across Japan as a 'ma-yun.' 2012: Started her career with stage name, IRIS, as a choir singer on Ishigaki Island. 2017: Released her original album, "Kotori" (Rainbow Bird), which was selected as the theme song for the 10,000 Eisa Festival. This festival is one of the biggest cultural events in Okinawa. She continues her musical activities locally within Okinawa as well as across Japan. -What is the meaning behind IRIS?- IRIS is the rainbow goddess that appears in Greek mythology. The letters 'I' and 'R' are also significant as they represent 'Ishigaki Island' and 'Ryukyu.' As such, the name 'IRIS' was chosen with the goal of building a rainbow bridge that delivers songs of hopes and dreams from Ishigaki Island and Ryukyu to the rest of the world.

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  • Mion

    Born in Okinawa, Japan. Ryukyuan classical music performer and Nomura Ryukyu classical music sanshin master. She is also Singer-songwriter. Currently, using her diverse musical experience, she is active in various fields with the aim of becoming an artist who can serve as a bridge between Okinawa and the world.

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  • Sanshi

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  • Antonio Camaque

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  • Brandon Lee

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Studio Hibiki
