He watched baseball
On TV every night
Didnt show me the anime
(I was)invited by a friend
To join a local team
I was enjoy them
I was playing video games
With my teammates
I was for enjoy them
I started wearing uniforms
Every day
They were fine enough
I naturally accepted
This is fuckin my life
They were fine enough
But,I decided it
Stay standing strong
Dont wanna save me
Leave me alone
I`m sorry till now
Stay standing strong
I decide who I am
For me
My friend`s brother showed me
A too many comics
My best friend made me
Listen to the punk bands
I wonder why no one ever
Told fuckin me
Lots of sounds and colors
Freed my life
I wonder why no one ever
Told fuckin me
Lots of sounds and colors
Freed my life
But,I decided it
Stay standing strong
Dont wanna save me
Leave me alone
I`m sorry till now
Stay standing strong
I decide who I am
For me
- Lyricist
Keita Nishioka
- Composer

Listen to Freed by WHITE SURF!
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SHIZUKUは欧米のEMOを芯に捉える解釈で往年のギターロックをアップデートしていく。Last days of April/Joshua/SZKN/curve/メレンゲ/asayake no atoといったバンドや、グッドメロディとシンガロングはFURTHER PLATONICからリリースするweaveやfogといったバンドとの親和性も感じ取る事ができるだろう。
対するWHITE SURF!はエモ~メロディックパンク直系でありながら、トレンドをどことなく匂わせる現在進行形のバンドだ。90年代のsnuffy smiles周辺のバンドやTITLE FIGHT以降のUSポップパンク的アプローチさえ感じさせてくれる。