Why do you sweat so much
For someone?
And I didnt know it
I dont think it`s the best way
I dont care me. It`s no over
You showed me a way
To erinch my heart
You showed me a way
I stuck to the wall
And was pulled by you
You said you pressed my back
No problem
What are you hiding now?
I want you to be like you
We going out to the ocean together
Why we be afraid?
For progress I say
We are parting to make you go
I want you to be like you
So I say for progress I say
Get off the ship
I stuck to the wall
And was pulled by you
You said you pressed my back
No problem
What are you hiding now?
I want you to be like you
We going out to the ocean together
Why we be afraid?
For progress I say
We are parting to make you go
I want you to be like you
I decided to make it to myself
When I worried
When I want
You are not here anymore
Sometimes I still see your ship
Stupid my head
When I worried
When I want
You are not here anymore
Sometimes I still see your ship
We can't forget
Why we be afraid?
For progress I say
We are parting to make you go
I want you to be like you
So I say for progress I say
Get off the ship
- Lyricist
Keita Nishioka
- Composer

Listen to Get off the ship by WHITE SURF!
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SHIZUKUは欧米のEMOを芯に捉える解釈で往年のギターロックをアップデートしていく。Last days of April/Joshua/SZKN/curve/メレンゲ/asayake no atoといったバンドや、グッドメロディとシンガロングはFURTHER PLATONICからリリースするweaveやfogといったバンドとの親和性も感じ取る事ができるだろう。
対するWHITE SURF!はエモ~メロディックパンク直系でありながら、トレンドをどことなく匂わせる現在進行形のバンドだ。90年代のsnuffy smiles周辺のバンドやTITLE FIGHT以降のUSポップパンク的アプローチさえ感じさせてくれる。