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記念すべき第10弾となる今作の注目は、このCDのために加筆修正を行った《交響的印象 「教会のステンドグラス」より》。 編曲作品の安定感とサウンドの良さに定評のある森田氏が、もとになったピアノ作品と管弦楽スコアを細かく比較検討し、既成の編曲版よりも演奏しやすく工夫を凝らしている。
原曲が管弦楽作品でない「アイリッシュ・ハープと歌」([3]-[7]ケルト民謡による組曲 第2番)や「オルガン曲」([9]幻想曲ト長調)、「ピアノソナタ」([10]おお、神秘なる力よ!)といった作品や、「作曲者の意図を逆手にアレンジ」([8]豪華な三文音楽)、「オペラの抜粋メドレー」([11]歌劇「愛の妙薬」より)のような原曲は管(弦)楽作品でありながらも新たな楽曲として生まれ変わったものと、どの曲もこれまで様々な名作を世に生み出してきた妙手により、これまでのアレンジ作品とは趣向の異なった吹奏楽界に新たな一石を投じる作品ばかりとなっている。
The Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Central Band was established in June 1951 under the auspices of the National Police Reserve, forerunner to the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, and has been performing ever since. Throughout the last 68 years, it has remained one of the Japan's best-known wind ensembles. As reporting directly to the Minister of Defense, the Central Band has taken part in more than 1400 performances for delegations from a total number of about 100 countries to welcome state guests and official visitors and at national events.In 2015, the Prime Minister granted a special award for our achievements. The Central Band's main activities include regular concerts in the Tokyo metropolitan area, chamber music concerts, national tour concerts or promenade concerts in business districts. It also appears at a wide range of events such as joint concerts with Bands from the Maritime and Air Self-Defense Forces, the Japan Self-Defense Force Marching Festival held in the Nippon Budokan arena.The Central Band also participated in projects such as "Kyo-en-Prosperous Future for Band into the 21st Century" and The Japan Band Clinic. Furthermore, the Central Band provides education and training for members of the other Ground Self-Defense Force bands all over the country as well as produces music CDs.
Brain Music