ふやけまくった心の中には あなたの風も届きやしない My spineless heart cannot catch your breeze
すべての終わりを目前にして 惰眠を貪る愚か者 I am a fool idling my time away just on the verge of a catastrophe
安物の毒に身を任せ あなたのささやきも聞こえない Resigning myself to cheap poison, I am unable to hear your whisper
油のように滴る色情 ただれた肌を舐めつくした The lust dripping like an oil fully lick my inflamed skin
散らばり続ける無垢な心 バラ色の明日を待ちきれない My innocent heart keeps scattering everywhere, dreaming of a rosy tomorrow
キラキラ光るおもちゃの箱は、焼けつくヘドロを吐き出した A glittering toy box opened and spat burning sludge!
懐かしいあなたの香りを思出しては、泣きじゃくる I loudly sob remembering your nostalgic scent
暗闇を永遠にさまい続ける哀れな乞食 I am a pathetic beggar forever wandering in the darkness
恩知ずの裏切り者に愛をつかし、切り捨てる Disgusted with the ungrateful traitor, you cut me off
美しいあなたの翼は、未練もなく羽ばたいた Your beautiful wings gracefully flapped with no regret
砂漠のカビを吸い込んで I’ve inhaled mold in the desert
焼けつく肺に殺された I was killed by burning lungs
- Lyricist
Takashi Obana
- Composer
Takashi Obana
Listen to The Beggar (Live in Singapore 2023) by Takashi Obana
Streaming / Download
- 1
A man in search of the "rubber ball" (Live in Tokyo 2022)
Takashi Obana
- 2
Loneliness of the Toxic Spell (Live in Singapore 2023)
Takashi Obana
- ⚫︎
The Beggar (Live in Singapore 2023)
Takashi Obana
E - 4
Aging Odor (Live in Singapore 2022)
Takashi Obana
- 5
Burning Delusion (Live in Singapore 2023)
Takashi Obana
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Harmony of Manure Pool (feat. Wataru Suzuki) [Live in Singapore 2022]
Takashi Obana
- 7
Rotten Corpse (feat. Juno) [Live in Singapore 2022]
Takashi Obana
- 8
Cry of Full-Montysm
Takashi Obana
"Rock and roll is the cry of full-montysm." I, Takashi Obana, have upheld this statement and continued to write and sing brutally honest songs. As the world recovered from lockdown, I went on a live performance frenzy. From that madness, I have curated a selection of tracks to present here!
First album: "Regression to Jomon." Second album: "Seventeenth Basement Floor." Through singing the songs I wrote, I have experienced numerous soul-stirring encounters and overwhelming happiness.
In this brief life, there are meetings and partings. That's precisely why we burn and shine unconditionally. There is no inherent meaning in that. In this live album, I've packed in the scent of passion. I hope you savor it to the fullest. With all my love, from the cry of full-montyst...
Lyrics, Composition, Performance: Takashi Obana
Lead Guitar (Harmony of the Manure Pool): Wataru Suzuki (https://www.tunecore.co.jp/artists/watarusuzuki/)
Cajón (Rotten Corpse): Juno (https://www.instagram.com/junomanji/)
Jacket Design: Nobuyasu Manaka
Photography: Melissa Foo
Mastering Engineer: Kensuke Kawashima (https://www.youtube.com/@kenskkwsm3/)
Recording Engineer: Toshio Kawai
Artist Profile
Takashi Obana
I sing my bare emotion just with acoustic guitar. I burn my life playing Rock and Roll music which is all about fully exposing my naked soul.
Takashi Obanaの他のリリース