Living in the Moment Front Cover


Living in the Moment

Yuichiro Okuda

今の僕は幸せよりも スプーン一杯の希望が欲しい

誰かの手を借りる事さえも拒んできたから 今も一人



砂を噛み 雨に打たれて

泥まみれの靴 脱ぎ捨てられずに

震えている 体を抱き

いつか巡り会う 誰かを求めて


何かがこう胸につかえて 悲鳴を上げてる声をからして

えぐるように締め付けられるほど 唇噛み締め空をにらむ



明日なんて 君次第で

塗り替えてゆける 君が望めば

世界中に 君の理想を

受け止めてくれる 愛すべき人に


ボロボロの体を引きずりながら 遥か彼方を行く



  • Lyricist

    Yuichiro Okuda

  • Composer

    Yuichiro Okuda

Living in the Moment Front Cover

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    Living in the Moment

    Yuichiro Okuda

Artist Profile

  • Yuichiro Okuda

    During high school, he immersed himself in the world of HIP-HOP while studying abroad in the United States. Upon returning to Japan, he spent approximately seven years actively involved in the music scene, carving out his niche with a unique HIP-HOP style under the alias of GOTHIC. Undergoing a transformative phase from the realm of HIP-HOP, he found himself captivated by the music of Japan's 70s and 80s upon his return. He subsequently rekindled his solo career, adopting the persona of a Pop Singer - Yuichiro Okuda. His music, characterized by a fusion of nostalgia and innovation, possesses a charm that transports listeners on a time-traveling journey. The depth in both melody and lyrics allows him to craft emotionally rich compositions. The breadth and diversity of his musical repertoire not only mirror his personal growth but also serve as a bridge connecting the past and present. In doing so, he pioneers a path for new musical adventures, seamlessly navigating between different eras and genres.

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