I thought about you first amidst that tragedy
And maybe that says a lot about me
I wanted to write and say you'd give me hope
But when I wrote it all out, the pencil lead broke
No love survives in this awful place
Evil opens its eyes and it's got no eyes
Not even the dead make it out alive
Because of the strength of the grip of the hands all trying to turn back time
I sat down to write you this letter
But instead I just broke down and cried
The kind of strength that you hope makes you better
But it just leaves you wishing you were one of the millions who died
Some kids ran across the road screaming
Because the bottoms of all of their feet
Were all red and blistered
And innocently scorched by the heat
No goodness shows its head around here
Cries for help fall on deaf ears
Toast, now buttered and jammed, falls face down
And turns to black on the burning ground
I sat down to write you this letter
But instead I just broke down and cried
The kind of strength that you hope makes you better
But it just leaves you wishing you were one of the millions who died
You feel your heart beating out your skin
At least that means there's skin to live in
You're not dying crucified on a black wave of fire
To history goes the most victorious liar
- 作詞
Eamon McGrath
- 作曲
Eamon McGrath
Eamon McGrath の“Hiroshima”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- ⚫︎
Eamon McGrath
2019年の春にカナダのソングライターであるEamon McGrathはアルバムTantramar とGutsをサポートする300以上のショーをこなした北米ツアーとヨーロッパツアーに続き、初の日本ツアーに臨んでいた。
2022年にはニューアルバムBells of HopeをMoorworksよりリリース予定で、そのアルバムを従え再来日も計画中だ。
Eamon McGrath
カナダ、エドモント出身でトロントを拠点として活動するEamon McGrath。2017年にはおよそ60本近く、2018年には80本以上のライブをこなし、更に”Berlin-Warszawa Express”とうい本を出版、彼が参加しているJulie & The Wrong Guyというバンドのアルバムリリース(Tokyo Police ClubやYukon Blondeを擁するdine Alone Recordsより発売)。そして今作のソロ作品をリリース。楽曲だけでなく、活動もパワフルでアグレッシブだが、2019年アルバムリリースツアー敢行中の彼が、日本にも来日することが決定し、日本での活動も注目が集まるだろう。
Eamon McGrathの他のリリース