Waltz of the human machine on a moonlit night - with colza milieu Front Cover


Waltz of the human machine on a moonlit night - with colza milieu


月灯りの下 影二つ

少女とロボットが 踊ってる

彼女のステップは 温度を宿し

機械のターンは 正確に

少女は 心を込めて


心があれば 人間か


光る瞳には 夢が見え


月夜の下に 影二つ

ロボットと少女が 踊ってる

機械のステップは 温度を宿し

彼女のターンは 正確に

ロボットは 心を込めて


心がなければ ロボットか


少女は 無邪気に言った


二つの影には 心はいらず

踊ることで なにかをかよわす

そして互いに 笑顔を向ける

心があれば 人間か


光る瞳には 互いに夢が見え



二つの影を 奏でる音は


  • Lyricist


  • Composer


  • Producer


  • Programming


Waltz of the human machine on a moonlit night - with colza milieu Front Cover

Listen to Waltz of the human machine on a moonlit night - with colza milieu by JACKPOT031

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    Waltz of the human machine on a moonlit night - with colza milieu


This song questions the boundary between machines and humans.
The song depicts a girl and a robot dancing under the moon. At first glance, humans and machines are in stark contrast, but in the course of the song, the boundary between the two is shaken.
As the song progresses, we begin to see that the boundaries that are held in place by apparent differences are not the essence of the song.
I don't need a heart.
the girl says innocently, implying that the presence or absence of a heart may not be the essence of humanity or the meaning of existence. The way they smile at each other, machine and human, each acting as if they have a heart, may be something close to the essence of something beyond.
As the waltz continues under the moonlight, with its indelible tone, the question is posed to us.
What is humanity, and what is the boundary between machines and humans?

Artist Profile

  • JACKPOT031

    JACKPOT031 is an artist born and raised in Hokkaido, Japan. The artist's name is a brand of cigarettes he used to smoke and an appropriate number. The lyrics are original, and the music and vocals are written using AI. He also uses AI for illustration. He started his music career with a genuine desire to share his compositions with the world. However, he could not play an instrument, read music, or sing well, so he gave up. However, with the recent advances in AI technology, he found the possibility of turning his own lyrics into music. On October 24, 2024, he took the first step in his musical career by releasing his first single, Like a Drifting Star, on YouTube. JACKPOT031 believes that AI is a hopeful star that can overcome the barriers of creation, and aims to be a hope for those who have given up on creation because of the disadvantages of not being able to read music or play an instrument.

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