Just One More Thing Front Cover


Just One More Thing

Check No Apple Juice

雨上がりの駅前で 立ち尽くす午後三時

手放した携帯に映る ぼんやりとした自分

小さな鞄の中に 詰め込みすぎた想い

行き場を失って こぼれ落ちそうになる

昨日(きのう)までの未来(みらい)は どこへ消えてしまったの?

制服を脱ぎ捨てた日から ずっと迷い続けてる


時間だけが通り過ぎてゆく 冷たい風に乗せて

もうひとつだけ 願いごとが叶うなら


笑顔と涙を 繰り返して進む日々

立ち止まるたび 胸に残る喪失感


忘れられない思い出が 涙色に染まる

ひとりきりの帰り道 ふと見上げた夜空

道しるべのない星たちが 心に突き刺さる

手を伸ばしても掴めない 儚い光たち

それでもきっと 探し続けていたい

もうひとつだけ 本当のことを言えたなら


乾いた想いが 静かに胸を叩くたび

踏み出せないまま 未来をみつめてる

戻らない時間にしがみつき 夢を見た日々も


もうひとつだけ もう少しだけ 前を向いてみる

  • Lyricist

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Composer

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Producer

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Vocals

    Check No Apple Juice

Just One More Thing Front Cover

Listen to Just One More Thing by Check No Apple Juice

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    Just One More Thing

    Check No Apple Juice

The new song 'Just One More Thing' delicately depicts the emotions of the moment when you have passed the milestone of graduation and have lost sight of the path you should take.
As symbolised by the lyrics 'I've been lost ever since the day I took off my school uniform', the song depicts the freedom that comes with being released from the clear path of school days, and at the same time the feelings of being lost and lost. The song carefully depicts the delicate emotions of young people from a single scene at 3pm, standing in front of a station after the rain.
The film depicts the delicate emotions of a young man as he repeatedly expresses his regrets and wishes: 'If I could make just one more wish come true', 'If I could tell the truth just one more time...'. Yet, in the end, the trajectory of the heart that changes into a determination to 'look forward just one more time, just one more time' gives a sense of quiet strength.
The attitude of trying to move forward little by little, despite the lingering regrets of the past. We hope that this song will gently push the backs of all those who are standing still at a turning point in their lives.

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