Night Wing Astraea Front Cover


Dimensional Effect (feat. LEVEREVE)

Eugenics Scarlet Divinity

She daydreams

Threat that's not really there

Not show the slightest fear

Nobody can foretell the future

But they have already known

That for a while





I was petrified with terror

I didn't understand what to face

Dip into the catastrophe

I could catch a glimpse

Of the root

Bring back into existence

Look for the sterling worth

I don't wish for anything

It come into existence

From nothing


The dawning of a new era



Find out the truth

And sacred precincts

Give in to a disorder

Sway the realm

Take me into another dimension

Safe way to the world


It creeps out of the dark water

Wearing the distortion

Swirling in the air

Difference in nature

The world that they

Live in is different

Err from the right path

Still, it moves while

Shaking the ground

How can I forget those days?

Shroud the world in screams

The resonance is

Piercing the darkness



Abandon my shallow idea

Just Carry out

It's now or never


I cling to my last

Glimmer of hope

The roar

The glint

Thousand of hallucination

The sky is over

Red dust is hiding me off

The roar

The glint

Thousand of hallucination

The sky is over

Red dust is hiding me off

Predict an imminent collapse

Coming, for certain

Everything has an end

I don't wish for anything

It come into existence

From nothing


The dawning of a new era



Find out the truth

And sacred precincts

Climb into the demise

The longest night will

Have an end

Cast my eyes up at the sky

Dominate the dimensional effect

Oh, it melted into the air

She daydreams

Threat that's not really there

Not show the slightest fear

Nobody can foretell the future

But they have already known

That for a while

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Night Wing Astraea Front Cover

Listen to Dimensional Effect (feat. LEVEREVE) by Eugenics Scarlet Divinity

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Night Wing Astraea (feat. Sennzai)

    Eugenics Scarlet Divinity

  • ⚫︎

    Dimensional Effect (feat. LEVEREVE)

    Eugenics Scarlet Divinity

  • 3

    Night Wing Astraea (OffVocal ver.)

    Eugenics Scarlet Divinity

  • 4

    Night Wing Astraea (Orchestral ver.)

    Eugenics Scarlet Divinity

  • 5

    Dimensional Effect (feat. LEVEREVE) [OffVocal ver.]

    Eugenics Scarlet Divinity

Artist Profile
