Deep inside my heart Front Cover


Deep inside my heart


待ってる 待ってる 待ってる待ってる  待ってる 待ってる待ってる 待ってる

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

待ってる待ってる 待ってる 待ってる 待ってる 待ってる 待ってる待ってる

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

待ってる 待ってる待ってる 待ってる  待ってる待ってる 待ってる 待ってる

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

待ってる 待ってる待ってる 待ってる  待ってる待ってる 待ってる 待ってる

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

誰かが 声を かけてくれるのを

I need your voice, Can you see? I’m calling for emergency

やだ もうやだ 泣きたい 泣けない 僕の名前 なんだっけ 誰も 呼ばない

Hate it, that’s enough, wanna cry, cannot cry

Nobody really cares, what’s my name, Nobody is calling me

僕の糸 切れてる 誰とも つながらない どうやって 笑うの ずっと 笑ってない

It’s not connected to somebody else, what’s should I say that it is just my fate

I forgot how to smile, didn’t laugh for long while

いなくなれ みんなの目 そう 言ってる ここに いるのに 誰も見て くれない

Get away now, don’t look at me, telling by my soul

That’s why I feel so sad, nobody notices me a few

ひとり ぼっち いつも ぼっち お父さん お母さん 楽しかったと 嘘をつく

Loneliness with me, always with me

Father, mother, they lie to me, they lie to me

どこにも 僕の 居場所がない

I will never find a place where’s showing me the light

あー みんなが僕に言う 死ね 僕は負けそうになる

Ah likes everybody told me that “to die” I feel that I can’t stand anymore

ひとりは やだ ひとりは やだ

Don’t leave me alone, don’t leave me alone

悲しい 虚しい寂しい いたい イタイ 心が痛い

I’m sad, I’m vain, I feel alone, I’m hurt so hurt, my heart breaks totally

こころんなか ひとりごと つぶやいてる

I repeat the words out of controls deep inside my heart

さ行の二番目 な行の二番目 た行の一番目 最後 あ行の二番目

“D” is for the dog, “I” is for the ice, “E” is for the egg, that means, I wanna “DIE”

春も夏も 秋もない ずっと 冬 ヌケガラヌケガラ ヤブレ カブレ

Without spring and summer, even autumn, my heart’s winter

Mere shadow mere shadow, I’m desperate that

ごめんね ごめんね ごめんね ごめんね ごめんね ごめんね ごめんね ごめんね

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry

待ってる待ってる 待ってる 待ってる 待ってる 待ってる 待ってる待ってる

Waiting for, waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

Waiting for, waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

待ってた 待ってた 待ってた 待ってた 待ってた 待ってた 待ってた 待ってた

I’d waited for, I’d waited for, I’d waited for, I’d waited for

I’d waited for, I’d waited for, I’d waited for, I’d waited for

ずっと ずっと ずっと(セリフ)もう無理

Forever, forever, forever, I’m enough

あー みんなが僕に言う 消えろ 僕は負けそうになる

Ah likes everybody told me that “get lost” I feel that I can’t stand anymore

ひとりは やだ そう思う自分が やだ

Don’t leave me alone, and I wanna stop thinking of

みんな嫌い みんな嫌い だいっ嫌い だけど自分が一番嫌い

I do hate you, I do hate you, really hate you

But the guy I hate the most is me myself indeed

こころんなか ひとりごと つぶやいてる

I repeat the words out of controls deep inside my heart

か行の二番目 あ行の四番目 た行の一番目 最後 あ行の二番目

“D” is for the dog, “I” is for the ice, “E” is for the egg, that means, I wanna “DIE”

(セリフ)僕の人生をあげる わー!

I give you my life, ah~

たった一歩 ほんの一言 勇気出せ

Just one more step, just only one more word, show me your brave

いけ いけ いけ 僕の想い どこまでも 届け

Aler, Aler, Aler, Aler with my faith, I hope my feelings reach you

戦う相手を間違えんな 自分と戦え 自分と向き合え 自分の心に負けんな

Know your enemy know your enemy now, fighting to yourself

Facing to yourself, but never get a lost from your heart

暴力ふるうやつ相手にすんな 静かに戦え 逃げちまえ 無視するやつには挨拶(は無視しろ)

Don’t give a face to the act of violence, pun your weapon quietly

Just run away, trying to be gentleman to your enemy

鈍感力で気にすんな 忘れる力で忘れろ 笑いたいやつ笑わせろ

Don’t show that you mind just be a dull, you can forget just believe you can do it, make the one laugh who do really wanna laugh

学校や委員会に頼んな  診断書録音録画で 犯罪は警察に訴えろ

Don’t rely on the school it doesn’t help, get the report, record and videos

Call the cop when you get in trouble of crime

いじめはなかったというやつ 真っ黒だらけの紙切れ くそっくらえ 気にすんな

Better stop bullying it’s really damn, just like a stupid thing I give it a shit

Shut up your mouth now never mind it

暴力犯罪反対 愛の反対は無関心 言葉と空気をナイフにすんな

Violence, crime never agree, don’t pay any attention now, air and the words would also be a weapon

相手を変えようと思うな 自分を変えろ自分を変えろ 自分を変えろ自分を変えろ

Don’t think that you can change somebody else, better change yourself, better change yourself, better change yourself, better change yourself

世界にたったひとつだけ 愛がつまったものがある 自分の名前を呼んでみろ

This is the only one thing in the world, there’s still a lot of love over the world, say your name you’ll see it believe me or not

お天道様はいつも見ている いじめるやつもいじめられてるやつも

God knows everything happened he is looking in the air, the guys who bully others, and the guys who being bullied by them

にぎったこぶしを開いて 太陽と手をつなげ

Relax your fingers so tight from hard stone

Shake hands with the sun hold it tight

あー みんなが僕に言う 死ね 僕は負けそうになる

Ah likes everybody told me that “to die” I feel that I can’t stand anymore

ひとりは やだ ひとりは やだ

Don’t leave me alone, don’t leave me alone

悲しい虚しい寂しい いたい イタイ 心が痛い

I’m sad, I’m vain, I feel alone, I’m hurt so hurt, my heart breaks totally

こころんなか ひとりごと つぶやいてる

I repeat the words out of controls deep inside my heart

た行の一番目 さ行の三番目 か行の四番目 最後 た行の四番目


“S” is for the sea, “O” is for the ox, “S” is for the sea, that means, sign of emergency help

こころんなか こころんなか こころんなか 本当は ほしかった

Deep inside my heart, deep inside my heart, deep inside my heart

I really want someone be my

た行の五番目 ま行の五番目 だ行の一番目 最後 た行の二番目

“A” is for the apple, “M” is for the music, “I” is for the ice-cream, in French, “Ami” that means “Friend”

待ってる 待ってる 待ってる待ってる  待ってる 待ってる待ってる 待ってる

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

I’m still waiting for, waiting for, waiting for

たった一歩 ほんの一言の勇気

Just one more step, just only one more word, that’s brave

ひとりにまけるな いじめにまけるな

Don’t be afraid of lonelinesss, don’t be afraid of bullying


You’ve worked so hard, Rest In Peace

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Deep inside my heart Front Cover

Listen to Deep inside my heart by yuki

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    Deep inside my heart


  • 2

    To my dearest mother


  • 3

    A little family [The world is one family]


  • 4



Boy of a spited junior high school for 2 years.
No one was helpful and I was one all the while.
I stood and stood it all the while.
But no one helped.
You couldn't finish standing and couldn't finish standing it, and I committed suicide.
The boy who died in heaven cried out for his feelings as a child like himself was never taken out.
My, you think and where do you even receive?

Artist Profile

  • yuki

    [Book] [How to become a mother] [Useless efforts of businessman] [Music] ● [Takaramono III]11 songs ①Criminal ②I always liked it ③Next spring[From now on we will be spring by spring] ④Heart ⑤Anonymous ⑥Hide-and-seek ⑦Candy ⑧To my favorite mama ⑨My apocalypse ⑩A small family[The world is a family] ⑪Takaramono [Message] All children, including children born from now, all adults including grandpa · grandma, everyone has father / mother. Even if you are not near, even if you are leaving the world, you are in my mind. Everyone is protected by your father and mother. And, everyone gives love to the hearts of fathers and mothers, keeping their fathers and mothers. Everyone is irreplaceable "Takaramono". Regardless of academic background, poor, homeless, unemployed, occupation, status, race, famous unnamed, withdrawal, bedridden, presence / absence of disease / disability, presence of crime, etc. are not relevant. Everyone, things that I should say / What I can not do, What I can do · What I can not do, It is a god who tells me the immatureness of society, sometimes with precious lives. Everyone is irreplaceable "Takaramono". Everyone, thank you for being born. Connecting our lives, our country and the world, and the people who built the cornerstone of the earth, those who live in the same age I love everyone. yuki

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