君の幸願い 交わした誓い
果たす為今日も歌っていくこのmy live
今日も1日全力疾走 この道進んで10年以上
『お前には無理』 『才能がねえ』
幼い頃から問題児 手を焼かせてしまった母父
絶対に立つデカいステージ 活躍する姿が音返し
育ててくれたこの街 空で見てくれている友達
生きて行くぞマイライフ 試練や苦難はマジで絶えない
人との出会い優しさと愛 握りしめ持つこのmic
生きて行くぞマイライフ まだこんなとこじゃくたばれない
君の幸願い 交わした誓い
果たす為今日も歌っていくこのmy live
好きな事で生きていく為に 仕事バイトいくつも掛け持ち
表舞台に立つ夢見ながら 立ち尽くしていた裏通り
ドロドロな関係断ち切って ボロボロなスーツも脱ぎ捨て
ポロポロと溢れる涙 青空がやけに眩しかった
自分で選んだ道なら 貫き通せよその意思
絶対曲げない男の意地 這い上がるという心意気
甘い蜜より泥水啜り 魂込めた歌詞を綴り
今はまだ名も無き花 いつかでっかく咲かすから
今日もどこかで誰かが泣いてる 皆それぞれ何かを抱えてる
この手は支え合う為に この心は思い合う為に
そして何よりもこの声が 誰かの笑顔に繋がる様に
生きて行くぞマイライフ 試練や苦難はマジで絶えない
人との出会い優しさと愛 握りしめ持つこのmic
生きて行くぞマイライフ まだこんなとこじゃくたばれない
君の幸願い 交わした誓い
果たす為今日も歌っていく このmy live
- Lyricist
Takahiro Kuroki
- Composer
Takahiro Kuroki
- Producer
Listen to My Life by Takahiro Kuroki
Streaming / Download
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My Life
Takahiro Kuroki
"My Life"
This song was created after hearing my wheelchair-bound father exclaim, "I'm not dead yet."
Takahiro Kuroki has been in music for 12 years this year. Despite many frustrating experiences, the support from fans has kept me going.
There's also a promise I made to a friend who has passed away.
Both my father's life and my artist journey are just beginning.
I hope "My Life" can shine a light on the various trials and hardships everyone faces.
May it bring smiles to many.
Music Staff
Vocal: Takahiro Kuroki
Lyrics: Takahiro Kuroki
Composition: Takahiro Kuroki
Arrangement: Kay (B.B.Q)
Recording & Mix: Yusuke Abe (Baybridge Nakame Studio)
Director: AIJ (B.B.Q)
Production: B.B.Q Inc.
Music Video Staff
Director: Masashi Sugimoto (B.B.Q / Kalon)
Camera: Masashi Sugimoto (B.B.Q / Kalon)
Assistant: Tsubasa Fujimoto (Kalon)
Hair Styling: Hayato Maehiga
Hair Cut: Jun Shishido
Fashion: Waste Bank
Producer: AIJ (B.B.Q)
Production: B.B.Q Inc.
#TakahiroKuroki #MyLife #MV #SupportSong #WeedSpirit
Artist Profile
Takahiro Kuroki
Takahiro Kuroki Origin: Edogawa-ku, Tokyo Raised in an environment completely focused on baseball during his childhood, with no connection to music. By the way, he throws right-handed and bats left-handed (a speedy and skilled hitter type). It was when he received compliments from girls who stopped to listen to him during his first street live performance that he mistakenly believed singing was his calling, leading him to officially start his singing career in 2012. Despite the lack of notable achievements over the years, he continues to hold an unfounded confidence that he will inevitably become successful. His favorite phrase is "the spirit of a weed," embodying the typical sports club spirit of determination and perseverance. With the goal of bringing energy and smiles to anyone who listens to his music and voice, he dedicates himself wholeheartedly, aiming to be a "moving power spot" every day.
Takahiro Kurokiの他のリリース
B.B.Q Records