雪が降るたび 思い出すの
冷たい空気に 包まれて
聞こえた足音 胸がざわめく
でも君だったの 笑顔のままで
私を見つけて 名前を呼ぶ
驚いたけど 涙がこぼれた
何も言わずに 私の手を掴んで
君の温もり ただ感じてた
雪の舞う夜 息も凍るけど
星がまたたく 冷たい空に
知らない場所へ 連れていく君
何かが始まる そんな気がして
君と一緒に ただ進んでいた
雪が降る夜 私の心も
街の灯りが 遠ざかるたび
雪の中で 二人の影だけ
手を繋いで その先へ向かう
- Lyricist
Konoka Fukami
- Composer
Konoka Fukami
- Producer
Konoka Fukami
- Vocals
Konoka Fukami

Listen to By Your Side by Konoka Fukami
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By Your Side
Konoka Fukami
A song about a little girl's love affair created by Konoka Fukami in AI A child of about the same age Just a child of the same generation The girl who reminds me of the old days Who reminds me of when I was young Those who feel like a daughter People who want to watch over you with some kind of warmth To such people These songs are about one girl's thoughts and feelings. Please watch over me warmly as I grow up slowly.
Artist Profile
Konoka Fukami
A song about a little girl's love affair created by Konoka Fukami in AI A child of about the same age Just a child of the same generation The girl who reminds me of the old days Who reminds me of when I was young Those who feel like a daughter People who want to watch over you with some kind of warmth To such people These songs are about one girl's thoughts and feelings. Please watch over me warmly as I grow up slowly.
Konoka Fukamiの他のリリース
2024©Konoka Fukami Project