Midsummer mischief Front Cover


You are my sun


都会の風は 今日も冷たく 時に優しく頬を撫でる

タバコの煙 ため息混じり 空に消えてゆく

押し寄せる葛藤 止まらない雑踏 行ったら行ったっきりの日々だ

君は 君は 眠りの中

街の灯りは いつも眩しく 故に侘しく影を作る

言葉に出来ない ホントの気持ち 仕舞い込んだままで

喜び悲しみ 感じる間も無く 立ち止まれば背中押されて

明日は 明日は 霞の中

君は僕の太陽 いつでもそばにいたいよ

胸の奥深く潜む 暗い闇を照らす

翳りゆく時代に 一筋の光を


誰もがひとつ 宿した光 消えそうで消えない光

忘れたいこと 忘れない人 胸に抱いてゆく

もう帰ろう 帰ろう 君が居る所まで

街も 人も 淀みの中

君は僕の太陽 かけがえない人よ

君の心へ続く 一本道を記す

わからない時代の 美しき光よ

迷ったその先に 辿り着く答えよ

焦らず 流されず 目を逸らさないように

僕は誰の 誰が君の 君は誰にとっての


  • Lyricist

    Hideki Yamashita

  • Composer

    Hideki Yamashita

Midsummer mischief Front Cover

Listen to You are my sun by THE RADIOCASSETTES

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    You are my sun


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Artist Profile


    Rock band "THE RADIOCASSETTES" mainly based in Kichijoji, Tokyo. Enchanted by various good music and formed around a vocalist Hideki Yamashita. All band members are in charge of lyrics, composition, and vocal performance (main chorus), and value a poetical turn of mind more than anything else. Appeared on "SUMMER SONIC". Awarded with .a Grand Prix artist in the audition "Knock' on TOWER's DOOR" sponsored by Tower Records. Inc, and received all prizes of the audition. Released a first mini-album "THE RADIOCASSETTES " of a nationwide distribution version as a Tower Records recommended item "Recommendation by Tower Records". Energetically co-headlined a national tour. Released a second mini-album "Manma!". Released a third mini-album "Dakishimetai". Restarted as a three-piece rock band through a hiatus period after leaving of a guitarist in 2016. Released a single "Torowa" containing three songs. Appeared on "ARABAKI ROCK FEST" and "YATUSI FESTIVAL!". Released a short movie "HOME AND HOME" (special entry to MOOSIC LABO 2017) made by a film director Akira Osaki, receiving "Highest award of music category in Yokohama Independent Film Festival 2017" Wrote a theme song and an inserted song of the newest film "SUGITEYUKE ENTAIJUDAI" made by a film director Hana Matsumoto. Performed a first overseas live in the event sponsored by Live Distribution Application in Beijing, China. Held voluntarily planned lives continuously for three months and closed the final one-man show at a club with live music "Marble" in Shinjuku with all tickets sold out. Singing warm "modern good music" cuddling to the life of a listener with outstanding chorus work as a weapon while subliming old good music.

    Artist page
