Save Our Ship Front Cover



Squall Of Scream

How long will this suffering last?

How long will this battle last?

How long will this sorrow last?

Will no one save me from my misery?

The doctor told me I only had two choices

The painkillers they gave me were nothing but a fucking relief

Can you imagine my despair?

Time is running out

All I can do is pray

The fear that looms

Excruciating pain

I'm fading in and out of consciousness

How did I end up on the executioner's block?

That's when I heard your voice

When I first met you, you were smiling as if you were asleep

Your heartbeat gave me peace

The warmth of your thin, almost fragile hands

That day I made a vow

I want to remember you

I want to remember you forever

What picture would you draw on a blank sheet of paper?

You can go anywhere you want from now on

Someday I'll be gone before you

I want you to go forward without looking back

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Save Our Ship Front Cover

Listen to Remember by Squall Of Scream

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Ever Garden

    Squall Of Scream

  • 2


    Squall Of Scream

  • 3

    My Hands

    Squall Of Scream

  • 4

    Crying Hearts

    Squall Of Scream

  • 5


    Squall Of Scream

  • 6

    Starting Line

    Squall Of Scream

  • ⚫︎


    Squall Of Scream

  • 8

    Place without name

    Squall Of Scream

