Poisonous Ritualsのジャケット写真


Change Your Perspective


It's in the way, you live your life

Force fed bullshit, should I be surprised

We're all part of the same corrupt machine

Just a Cog pushing forward, Do you know what I mean?

But, you can fight it, there is a way

Believe the system or disobey

Keep pushing forward or just break down

Instead of fighting or hating or wasting your time

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Can't say why, But don't cross that line

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Can't you see you're wasting your time (Change Your Perspective)

Can't say why but don't cross that line

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Here it comes again

Another argument

Let's break it down

You got a problem, You say it straight

You heard me right, Right to my face

Your passive aggressiveness shit won't help us sort us out

Instead of fighting or hating or wasting your time

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Can't say why, But don't cross that line

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Can't you see you're wasting your time (Change Your Perspective)

Can't say why but don't cross that line

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Find that common ground and change your perspective!

Oh, we'll keep on searching, ya?

It's in the way, you live your life

Force fed bullshit, should I be surprised

We're all part of the same corrupt machine

Just a Cog pushing forward, Do you know what I mean?

But, you can fight it, there is a way

Believe the system or disobey

Keep pushing forward or just break down

Instead of fighting or hating or wasting your time

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Can't say why, But don't cross that line

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Can't you see you're wasting your time (Change Your Perspective)

Can't say why but don't cross that line

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Here it comes again

Another argument

Let's break it down

You got a problem, You say it straight

You heard me right, Right to my face

Your passive aggressiveness shit won't help us sort us out

Instead of fighting or hating or wasting your time

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Can't say why, But don't cross that line

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Can't you see you're wasting your time (Change Your Perspective)

Can't say why but don't cross that line

You gotta find that common ground (Change Your Perspective)

Find that common ground and change your perspective!

Oh, we'll keep on searching, ya?

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Poisonous Ritualsのジャケット写真

BIG BROTHER の“Change Your Perspective”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

カナダの英雄「BIG BROTHER」と日本PUNKSKAの英雄「UCAN'TSAYNO!」によるスプリットアルバムが待望のリリース! 各国でしのぎを削り、命懸けでプレイしてきた彼らがついに出会い、2021年スプリットアルバムの形で登場。 常にライブを意識して活動していた彼らのエッセンスが凝縮された一枚。全世界必聴!



    トロントの地元のスカコアシーンで圧倒的人気を誇ったゲットーブラスターが解散した後の2013年5月、ビッグブラザー結成。オリジナルメンバーは、ゲットーブラスターの最終メンバーで構成。(クリスハードコア、イアンウィルキンソン、マイクラダブロックハウス)バンドのサウンドはスカコアの要素が強く、ハードコアパンクの側面に重点を置いているが、リフとなる強いベースライン、ギター、ブラストドラムが特徴的。彼らのサウンドは、オーウェルのスカコアと呼ばれている。特に初期の音源は、他とは完全に一線を画すサウンドとなっている。 結成以来、多くのメンバーチェンジを経て、1枚のライブアルバム、2枚のシングル、2枚のフルアルバム、3枚のスプリットアルバム、4枚のEPをリリース。 8年間で合計12作品をリリースし、それぞれ成功を収めている。 ライブパフォーマンスはハイエナジーで、”トラック爆破”を彷彿させると評判。Dayglos Abortions、RipCordz、BFG、The Matadors、The Mother Fuckers、The Rebel Spellなどのカナダのパンクバンドや、The Voodoo Glow Skulls, Leftover Crack, Morning Glory, The Toasters, Opposion Rising, Union Jack, UCAN'TSAYNO! などの海外バンドと親交があり、ワールドワイドに活躍中。


